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Publication records


Peer coaching practice for managers: An executive education companion

1st ed.,Charleston, SC: CreateSpace
Human resources management/organizational behavior
This book is an executive education companion for managerial courses in which participants engage in Peer Coaching. It is designed as a package with exercises and tools that can be used as advance preparation, in-class assignments, and post-course follow up work. The exercises and examples are based on real-life scenarios that managers bring into peer coaching sessions. They can be used for reflection, discussion, and role-plays for practicing peer coaching. The book can be used flexibly to meet the needs of a particular course.
1st ed.,

Business models and patent strategies in multi-invention contexts

Ivey Business Journal
Chinese translation of Business models and patent strategies in multi-invention contexts. Ivey Business Journal 76 (5): 9–11.
Deepak Somaya, David Teece, Simon Wakeman (2013)
Technology, R&D management
innovation, commercialization, patents, multi-invention context
Journal Article

Do higher costs spur process innovations and managerial incentives? Evidence from a natural experiment

Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 22 (3): 529–550
Benoit Dostie, Rajshri Jayaraman (2013)
Economics, politics and business environment
Process innovation, managerial incentives, x-efficiency
JEL Code(s)
D22, O31, J33
This paper asks whether firms respond to cost shocks by introducing process innovations and increasing the use of managerial incentives. Using a large panel data set of workplaces in Canada, our identification strategy relies on exogenous variation in costs arising from increased border security along the 49th parallel fol- lowing 9/11. Our longitudinal difference-in-differences estimates indicate that firms responded to the cost shock by introducing new or improved processes, but did not change their use of managerial incentives. These results suggest that the threat of bankruptcy may provide impetus for improving efficiency.
© 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Journal Pages
Journal Article

Pricing payment cards

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 5 (3): 206–231
Özlem Bedre-Defolie, Emilio Calvano (2013)
Economics, politics and business environment
payment card networks, interchange fees, merchant fees
JEL Code(s)
G21, L11, L42, L31, L51, K21
Payment card networks, such as Visa, require merchants' banks to pay substantial "interchange" fees to cardholders' banks, on a per transaction basis. This paper shows that a network's profit-maximizing fee induces an inefficient price structure, over-subsidizing card usage and over-taxing merchants. In contrast to the literature we show that this distortion is systematic and arises from the fact that consumers make two distinct decisions (membership and usage) whereas merchants make only one (membership). These findings are robust to competition for cardholders and/or for merchants, network competition, and strategic card acceptance to attract consumers.
Copyright © 2013 by the American Economic Association.
Journal Pages
ESMT Working Paper

Corporate social responsibility, customer orientation, and the job performance of frontline employees

ESMT Working Paper No. 11-05 (R1)
2014 Top Ten Downloaded Paper
Daniel Korschun, CB Bhattacharya, Scott D. Swain (2013)
Ethics and social responsibility; Marketing
Corporate social responsibility, organizational identification, customer orientation, job performance
A study involving a Global 500 company finds that frontline employees’ perceptions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) can contribute to their customer orientation (self-rated) and objective job performance (supervisor-rated) by activating social identification processes. Employees identify with the organization based in part on the extent to which CSR is supported by salient and job-relevant others both internal and external to the organization. Looking internally, employees identify with the organization to the extent that they perceive management to support CSR. Looking externally, employees can identify with customers (called employee-customer identification) to the extent they perceive customers to support the company’s CSR. Both effects are enhanced when employees feel CSR is an important (versus non-important) part of their self-concept. Organizational identification directly drives job performance while employee-customer identification contributes to job performance through its effects on organizational identification and customer orientation.


View all ESMT Working Papers in the ESMT Working Paper Series here. ESMT Working Papers are also available via SSRN, RePEc, EconStor, and the German National Library (DNB).

ISSN (Print)
ESMT Working Paper

Confidence via correction: The effect of judgment correction on consumer confidence

ESMT Working Paper No. 13-06
Francine Espinoza Petersen, Rebecca Hamilton (2013)
Confidence, correction, credibility, persuasion, advertising
At times, consumers are motivated to reduce the influence of a product recommendation on their judgments. Based on previous research, it is unclear whether this correction process will increase or decrease consumers’ confidence in their judgments. We find that source credibility moderates the effect of correction on confidence: correction decreases confidence when a product recommendation comes from a high credibility source but increases confidence when the same message comes from a low credibility source. As a result, correction increases the effectiveness of recommendations from low credibility sources on purchase intentions. Notably, this “confidence via correction” effect is further moderated by elaboration, such that the effect is attenuated for high elaboration consumers. Our results have implications for understanding consumers’ reactions to persuasive messages and for both marketing practitioners and consumer protection agencies using correction cues to influence message persuasiveness.


View all ESMT Working Papers in the ESMT Working Paper Series here. ESMT Working Papers are also available via SSRN, RePEc, EconStor, and the German National Library (DNB).

ISSN (Print)
Journal Article

Consumer Perceived Ethicality (CPE) scale

Katja H. Brunk (2013)
Scale development, ethical perception
Working Paper

Linear social interactions models

NBER Working Paper No. 19212
Lawrence E. Blume, William A. Brock, Steven N. Durlauf, Rajshri Jayaraman (2013)
Economics, politics and business environment
social interactions, identification, incomplete information games
JEL Code(s)
C21, C23, C31, C35, C72, Z13
ISSN (Print)
Book Chapter

Enacting one's way to new thinking: Using critical incidents to vitalise authentic collaboration and learning

In Humanness in organisations: A psychodynamic contribution, edited by Leopold S. Vansina, 171–199. London: Karnac Books.
Thomas N. Gilmore, Nora Grasselli (2013)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
enactments, critical incidents, leadership, executive development, psychodynamics
Secondary Title
Humanness in organisations: A psychodynamic contribution
Book Chapter

The importance of marketing for social innovation

In Social innovation: Solutions for a sustainable future, edited by Thomas Osburg, René Schmidpeter, 147–154. Heidelberg: Springer.
CB Bhattacharya (2013)
Ethics and social responsibility
Secondary Title
Social innovation: Solutions for a sustainable future