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Publication database

ESMT Berlin publishes in international academic journals, which are first-class in their respective fields. Research also provides cutting-edge and profound insights for the business community as well as the classroom through managerial publications and case studies. This rare integration of research and practice makes ESMT Berlin an outstanding location for generating relevant and groundbreaking knowledge.


Academic journal articles

ESMT Berlin faculty regularly publishes in top academic peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Political Economy, Management Science, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Marketing, Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, and Operations Research.

Click here to view ESMT academic journal articles


ESMT Business Case Collection

The collection is made up of more than 90 cases with corresponding teaching notes. ESMT Berlin is the only German business school distributing cases through Harvard Business Publishing. ESMT cases have regularly been recognized in European case-writing competitions winning 14 awards. See below to download the ESMT Case Collection Brochure and to purchase ESMT cases via our distributors.

Click here to view ESMT case studies

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