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Faculty & research positions

Striving for excellence

At ESMT Berlin, we believe in the power of innovative research and teaching to shape the future of business and society. As a leading international business school, we are committed to fostering a dynamic and diverse academic community that drives impactful research and cultivates the next generation of global leaders. 

We are currently seeking passionate individuals to join our esteemed faculty and research teams. Whether you are an experienced scholar or a rising star in your field, we invite you to explore our open faculty and research positions and become part of our vibrant academic ecosystem. 

Open positions

  • Lecturer Position in Strategy

    ESMT Berlin invites applications for a lecturer position (part-time or full-time) in the area of Strategy. 

    In this faculty position, you would focus on teaching opportunities in executive education and MBA programs for participants with job experience (our Executive MBA and part-time MBA). Part of the role would also be supervising independent-study assignments including Masters theses and MBA final projects. 

    You should hold a PhD in Management or a related field, awarded by a reputable international business school, and should demonstrate evidence of excellence in (executive) teaching including experience in online format, development of innovative (experiential) formats as well as in applied research. 

    To apply, you should send us a cover letter describing your expertise in the field, a teaching statement outlining your teaching philosophy and experience, and evidence of your teaching performance. Additionally, you should send us an up-to-date detailed CV, including the names and contact information of two academic references. Please send your application and supporting documents via email to:

    Professor Per Olsson, PhD | Dean of Faculty and Research

    ESMT Berlin | Schlossplatz 1 | 10178 Berlin | Germany

    via e-mail to:

    We especially encourage applications from female candidates.

    The position will remain open until it is filled, but early applications are encouraged. The start date is fall 2024, with some flexibility. 

    ESMT Berlin is an equal opportunity employer committed to building a culturally diverse and pluralistic intellectual community. 

  • Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Marketing

    ESMT Berlin invites applications for a tenure-track position in Marketing at all professorial ranks. Applicants from all research areas of Marketing are encouraged to apply. Junior candidates are expected to complete the requirements for a PhD in the relevant field(s) by July 1, 2024. Successful senior candidates must be highly accomplished, well-published, and highly respected in their field. Junior candidates will be judged on potential, supported by the materials submitted with the job application. The candidate hired for this position will be expected to continue conducting and publishing original research of exceptionally high quality, to effectively teach students in our degree programs and to participate in and contribute to the academic environment. Senior candidates are encouraged to teach in the PhD and executive education programs.  

    ESMT Berlin is a leading global business school with its campus in the heart of Berlin. Located at the heart of Berlin in Germany, focusing on leadership, innovation, and analytics, both its faculty and student body are diverse and international. ESMT’s mission is to create and impart new knowledge to advance business and society. 

    Please send application materials, including a cover letter describing present and future research and teaching plans, copies of selected recent publications, and an up-to-date detailed résumé with the names and contacts of three academic references to: 

    Professor Per Olsson, PhD | Dean of Faculty and Research 

    ESMT Berlin | Schlossplatz 1 | 10178 Berlin | Germany 

    via e-mail to:  

    We especially encourage applications from female candidates. 

    The position will remain open until it is filled, but early applications are encouraged. The start date is fall 2024, with some flexibility.  

    ESMT Berlin offers compensation packages that are competitive at international levels. Research support and teaching activities are also comparable to leading global business schools. Advice and support for dual careers and transition for partner/family is provided. Overall, ESMT offers excellent working conditions in the international, multicultural, and dynamic capital city of Berlin.  

    ESMT Berlin is an equal opportunity employer committed to building a culturally diverse and pluralistic intellectual community.  

  • Assistant Professor of Accounting

    ESMT Berlin invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level in the area of accounting. Applicants should hold a PhD in Accounting or Finance or a related field. Candidates should demonstrate the potential for research excellence, including publications in top general and field journals, as well as the potential for teaching excellence. The position offers teaching opportunities in Master’s, MBA, PhD, and executive education programs. 

    ESMT Berlin is a leading global business school with its campus in the heart of Berlin. Located at the heart of Berlin in Germany, focusing on leadership, innovation, and analytics, both its faculty and student body are diverse and international. ESMT’s mission is to create and impart new knowledge to advance business and society.  

    Please send application materials, including a cover letter describing present and future research and teaching plans, copies of selected recent publications, and an up-to-date detailed résumé with the names and contacts of three academic references to: 

    Professor Per Olsson, PhD | Dean of Faculty and Research 

    ESMT Berlin | Schlossplatz 1 | 10178 Berlin | Germany 

    via e-mail to:  

    We especially encourage applications from female candidates. 

    The position will remain open until it is filled, but early applications are encouraged. The start date is fall 2024, with some flexibility.  

    ESMT Berlin offers compensation packages that are competitive at international levels. Research support and teaching activities are also comparable to leading global business schools. Advice and support for dual careers and transition for partner/family is provided. Overall, ESMT offers excellent working conditions in the international, multicultural, and dynamic capital city of Berlin.  

    ESMT Berlin is an equal opportunity employer committed to building a culturally diverse and pluralistic intellectual community.  

  • Professor in Finance and Labor in conjunction with a position as Senior Research Advisor at the Department of Laws, Regulations and Factor Markets (LRF) at the IWH

    As a joint appointment, European School of Management and Technology (ESMT Berlin) and the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) – Member of the Leibniz Association - seek to fill the position of a

    Professor in Finance and Labor in conjunction with a position as Senior Research Advisor

    at the Department of Laws, Regulations and Factor Markets (LRF) at the IWH

    starting at the earliest possible date. The IWH is one of the seven economic research institutes of the Leibniz Association. The Institute’s research focuses on the analysis of long-term growth processes with special emphasis on the efficient allocation of labor and capital. ESMT Berlin is one of the top ranked private business schools in Europe.

    The successful candidate will represent the LRF department’s research and policy advice to the scientific community, decision makers in economic policy, and the public. There is a teaching load of 50 points per year at ESMT Berlin associated with the position.

    The candidate

    • fulfills the formal requirements according to §35 of the University Law of Saxony-Anhalt (Landeshochschulgesetz Sachsen-Anhalt) and §100 (1) of the Law on Higher Education Institutions in the State of Berlin (Berliner Hochschulgesetz – BerlHG),
    • possesses an understanding of capital and labor markets with a particular research focus on how labor and capital markets interact, and how laws and regulations impact the functioning of labor and capital markets
    •  has a distinguished, internationally outstanding publication record at the intersection of Financial Economics and Labor Economics
    • has an active interest in advising, mentoring, and supporting PhD students as well as junior faculty, and in contributing to a vibrant and dynamic research environment in collaboration with senior faculty
    • is excited about communicating research results to policy makers, press, and the general public
    •  has been successful in raising third-party funding
    • has an established record and commitment to excellence in teaching as well as experience in teaching graduate level courses in finance

    The two appointment committees of the IWH and ESMT will make their decision in consensus. Professor Reint E. Gropp, PhD, President of the IWH (Tel: +49 345 7753 700) and Professor Per Olsson, PhD, Dean of Faculty and Research at ESMT (Tel: +49 30 212 31 1298) are available for further information. We welcome your application, regardless of gender, cultural and social background, age or sexual orientation. Applications from disabled persons will be given priority in the case of equal suitability, ability, and professional expertise. ESMT and the IWH aim to increase the proportion of women in scientific positions and specifically encourage women to apply. Knowledge of German is not a prerequisite for the position, but the willingness to learn German is desirable.

    We look forward to receiving your application (preferably via e-mail), including your updated CV, list of publications, documen­tation of previous teaching experience including evaluation reports, overview of conference talks as well as success­fully acquired third-party funds, submitted by March 31, 2024, to, Halle Institute for Eco­nomic Research (IWH), Executive Board, Kleine Maerkerstraße 8, 06108 Halle (Saale), Germany.


  • Faculty Position in Strategy and/or Organizational Behavior

    ESMT Berlin invites applications for a faculty position (open rank) in strategy and/or organizational behavior. We are open to a broad range of potential research foci, including work that spans the two domains. Current faculty in strategy and OB include Matt Bothner, Gianluca Carnabuci, Linus Dahlander, Julia Langdon, Matthias Qian, Eric Quintane, Henry Sauermann, Martin Schweinsberg, Jamie Song, and Stefan Wagner. The expected start date is between Fall 2024 and Fall 2025. 

    Applicants should hold a PhD in Management, Sociology, Psychology, Economics or a related field. Senior applicants are expected to have an strong research record and a strong international reputation. Junior applicants should demonstate potential for research excellence. The candidate hired for this position will be expected to effectively teach students in our degree programs and to participate in and contribute to the academic environment. More senior candidates are encouraged to teach in the PhD and executive education programs.

    ESMT Berlin is a leading global business school with its campus in the heart of Berlin. Both its faculty and student body are highly diverse and international. ESMT’s mission is to create and impart new knowledge to advance business and society. 

    Please send application materials, including a cover letter describing present and future research and teaching plans, copies of selected recent publications, and an up-to-date detailed résumé with the names and contacts of three academic references to:

    Professor Per Olsson, PhD | Dean of Faculty and Research

    ESMT Berlin | Schlossplatz 1 | 10178 Berlin | Germany

    via e-mail to:

    We especially encourage applications from female candidates.

    The position will remain open until it is filled, but early applications are encouraged.

    ESMT Berlin offers compensation packages that are competitive at international levels. Research support and teaching activities are also comparable to leading global business schools. Advice and support for dual careers and transition for partner/family is provided. Overall, ESMT offers excellent working conditions in the international, multicultural, and dynamic capital city of Berlin. 

    ESMT Berlin is an equal opportunity employer committed to building a culturally diverse and pluralistic intellectual community. 

  • Team Global Professorship for Disruptive Innovation

    ESMT Berlin has an opening at the rank of Full Professor at the interface of technology and innovation. This professorship will reinforce ESMT’s leadership in studying technology and innovation, especially addressing questions such as “How did disruptive technologies contribute to the great achievements of civilization (hunger, health, lifespan, education, globalization, prosperity) and may continue to do so while addressing great challenges (environmental and potential existential threats like bioweapons or AI)? What can governments, business leaders and societies learn from past patterns and how will these patterns unfold and evolve in the near future and across generations?” Candidates should have a keen interest in these questions and new technological developments as well as the ability to study these developments in a rigorous way and the desire to derive implications for businesses, policymakers, and other stakeholders. Requirements for this position include outstanding research accomplishments published in the top journals, commitment to excellence in teaching, and international experience.

    ESMT Berlin is the highest‐ranked business school in Germany and Top 10 in Europe. Founded by 25 leading global companies and institutions to develop entrepreneurial leaders who think globally and act responsibly. The school offers master’s, MBA, and PhD programs, as well as executive education on its campus in Berlin, in locations around the world, online, and in online blended format.

    Please send application materials, including a cover letter describing present and future research and teaching plans, copies of selected recent publications, and an up‐to‐date detailed résumé with the names and contacts of three academic references to:

    Professor Per Olsson, PhD | Dean of Faculty and Research

    ESMT Berlin | Schlossplatz 1 | 10178 Berlin | Germany

    via e‐mail to: 

    We especially encourage applications from female candidates.

    Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. We aim to finalize the first review round by December 2023.

    ESMT Berlin offers compensation packages that are competitive at international levels. Research support and teaching activities are also comparable to leading global business schools. Advice and support for dual careers and transition for partner/family is provided. Overall, ESMT offers excellent working conditions in the international, multicultural, and dynamic capital city of Berlin.

    ESMT Berlin is an equal opportunity employer committed to building a culturally diverse and pluralistic

    intellectual community.

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