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Friends of ESMT

Photo of students

Friends of ESMT, is a membership organization dedicated to supporting ESMT Berlin and magnifying its social impact on a global scale. The organization is comprised of ESMT alumni, staff, faculty, recent graduates, parents of ESMT students and graduates, and a further group of supporters around the world, including several world-renowned organizations, that identify with ESMT’s vision of responsible leadership.

The generosity of our members, expressed through annual subscriptions, forms the cornerstone of our impactful endeavors. Through financial contributions, we empower a diverse range of social impact initiatives led by ESMT community members. We currently hold a longstanding endowment, returns from which are used to provide unrestricted financial support, directly to the school itself.

Friends of ESMT was formally established in 2011. It emerged as the successor to the "Verein zur Förderung des Universitätsseminars der Wirtschaft e.V.", which was founded in 1968 at ESMT’s former Schloss Gracht campus.

Membership benefits

In addition to providing meaningful impact via their membership contribution, members are invited to all ESMT public events, attend the annual members' meeting on our Berlin campus, and join the exclusive ESMT Friends Annual New Year’s reception hosted by our ESMT President, Jörg Rocholl.

Embrace the opportunity to become a member and contribute to our impactful community. 100% of your membership fee goes directly towards supporting social impact initiatives. 


Organizations currently contributing to our mission

We express our gratitude to the following organizations for their membership and support.

  • A. T. Kearney GmbH
  • Allianz SE
  • Axel Springer SE
  • B. Braun Melsungen AG
  • Bayerische Motoren Werke AG
  • Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
  • Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände
  • Daimler AG
  • Deutsche Bank AG
  • Deutsche Telekom AG
  • E.ON SE
  • Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
  • Gesamtverband der Arbeitgeberverbände der Metall- u. Elektro-Industrie
  • Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Berlin
  • KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
  • McKinsey & Company, Inc.
  • Robert Bosch GmbH
  • Siemens AG
  • The Boston Consulting Group GmbH
  • thyssenkrupp AG
  • UniCredit Bank AG
  • Vereinigung der Unternehmensverbände in Berlin und Brandenburg
  • Wieland-Werke AG

What we do

Social Impact Project

The five-week Social Impact Project is a highlight of the Master in Global Management program. It offers students the opportunity to apply the business tools they acquire during the program to work for an organization with specific social objectives, such as a non-profit organization, a CSR department, a social entrepreneurship venture, or a for-profit organization. The Social Impact Project is applied fieldwork to develop well-rounded, socially conscious graduates. Friends of ESMT contribute to accommodation and flights for the students during this program.

Learn more about the Social Impact Project here

Responsible Leaders Fellowship

Friends of ESMT promote the Responsible Leaders Fellowship (RLF) program for graduates of the ESMT MBA and master's program. The six-month fellowship starts immediately after graduation and takes the graduates to emerging areas of Africa or Asia, where they contribute their knowledge and capabilities and gain real-world business experiences.

Learn more about the Responsible Leaders Fellowship here.

Industry Immersion Program

The Industry Immersion Program is a joint initiative with the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), the Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry Johannesburg, as well as African and German companies. It was brought to life in 2017 to enable young university graduates in Africa to start a career, and thus sustainably enhance employability across Africa.

Learn more about the Industry Immersion Program here

Our leadership

Members of the Board of the Friends of ESMT

Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Harald Hungenberg, Dean of Programs, ESMT Berlin

Vice-Chairperson: Dr. Oliver Engels, Managing Director, Chief Sustainability und Diversity Officer, Deutsche Börse AG

Treasurer: Georg Garlichs, Chief Financial Officer and Managing Director, ESMT Berlin

  • Nick Barniville, Founder, Gomera Tech; Former Associate Dean Degree Programs, ESMT Berlin
  • Anke Dassler, CFO, ista SE
  • Claudia Donzelmann, Global Head of Regulatory and Public Affairs, Allianz SE
  • Wolfgang Stadler, former Executive Director Manufacturing, Jaguar Land Rover, UK

Honorary members

  • Prof. Dr. Clemens Börsig
  • Dr. Gerhard Cromme
  • Michael Diekmann
  • Dr. Joachim Faber
  • Dr. Manfred Gentz
  • Klaus Krone
  • Prof. Dr. Wulff Plinke
  • Dr. Ihno Schneevoigt
  • Dr. Henning Schulte-Noelle

Legal information

Registered name:

Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der ESMT European School of Management and Technology e. V.

Management Board: Prof. Dr. Harald Hungenberg (Chairperson), Nick Barniville, Anke Dassler, Claudia Donzelmann, Dr. Oliver Engels (Vice-Chairperson), Georg Garlichs (Treasurer), and Wolfgang Stadler

Margaret Clark

+49 30 21231 1033

Become a member

Make an impact

Becoming a Friend means directly supporting ESMT's social impact. As a registered non-profit organization, your membership contribution to the Friends of ESMT can be made tax-efficient.


Membership for graduating students: €150 for two years of membership*

Click here to apply for membership as a graduating student.

Membership for individuals: €500 per year

Click here to apply for individual membership

Membership for companies or organizations: €3.835 per year

Click here to apply for organizational membership

*Any graduating student is invited to become a Friend with an introductory one-off contribution of €150, for 24 months of membership. After this period, the alumnus/a will be invited to join the Friends as a regular member.

Giving options

Membership fees and additional donations can be contributed by regular bank transfer. If you would like to give in another way, please contact us via email


Information about data privacy for members of Friends of ESMT

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Social Impact Project

ESMT-Studierende unterstützten Ampersand bei der E-Mobilitätserweiterung von Ruanda nach Kenia. Dies umfasste den Business Case für Kisumu und die Wertsteigerung pro verkauftem E-Bike bei niedrigen Umstiegskosten für Bodaboda-Fahrer.
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Responsible Leaders Fellowship

Teresa Rodriguez, ESMT MBA Absolventin, teilt Erfahrungen aus dem Responsible Leader Fellowship (RLF), wo sie pro bono mit Slum Dwellers International in Kapstadt an einem Gemeinschaftsgartenprojekt arbeitet.
African students posing for group photo with professors

Industry Immersion Program

Die Absolventinnen und Absolventen des Industry Immersion Program des Jahrgangs 2019.