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The banking crisis as a giant carry trade gone wrong

Sascha Steffen, Viral Acharya (2013)
Economics, politics and business environment; Finance, accounting and corporate governance
Banking, Eurozone crisis
ESMT Case Study

Landau Media

ESMT Case Study No. ESMT-313-0135-1
Christoph Burger, James G. Clawson (2013)
Strategy and general management
Business strategies, implementing strategy, entrepreneurship, innovation, organizational culture, organizational design, startup
The case describes the management practices and leadership principles of a media monitoring company. The company was founded in 1997 with the objective to become a leader in the German media monitoring market. In 2012, the company had achieved the goal the three founders had envisaged. They had acquired a dedicated group of employees, a tightly knit, family-like unit, which Landau called a “community of values.” These values were the basis of his leadership style, emphasizing participation, continuity, transparency, a continuous improvement to raise product quality, customer, and family orientation. The company governance structure, and facilities all reflected this core philosophy as well. During the past years a new set of challenges – namely, change of media usage triggered by iPhones and iPads, social media, and do-it-yourself media monitoring software - were threatening the company’s success and Lothar Landau was concerned whether his creation was prepared for the next 15 years.
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Journal Article

So Lernen Sie, Daten zu Lieben [Why IT fumbles analytics]

Harvard Business Manager 35 (3): 70–79
Reprint of: Why IT fumbles analytics. Harvard Business Review 91 (1): 104–111.
Donald A. Marchand, Joe Peppard (2013)
Information technology and systems
Journal Pages
ESMT Case Study

B&C crossing borders in Russia (A)

ESMT Case Study No. ESMT-813-0136-1
Katharina Lange (2013)
entrepreneurship, medical equipment & device industry
The three part case discusses managing the dilemma of compliance versus entrepreneurial decisions (“intrapreneurship”) in a large corporation and decision-making processes in mature markets (here: US HQ) vs. emerging markets (here: Russia). The case concerns a medical devices company and the life sciences industry; however, market mechanisms are applicable to other industries as well. In Case A, two experienced Russian managers face a tempting business opportunity: founding a professional education center for healthcare personnel in one of the most prosperous regions of Central Asia seems to offer win-win situations for all stakeholders involved. Case B aims at strengthening the student’s capabilities for thinking about alternatives and developing the tenacity to pursue entrepreneurial ideas. The case closes in the third section by asking “Was it worth it?”
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ESMT Case Study

B&C crossing borders in Russia (B)

ESMT Case Study No. ESMT-813-0137-1
Katharina Lange (2013)
entrepreneurship, medical equipment & device industry
The three part case discusses managing the dilemma of compliance versus entrepreneurial decisions (“intrapreneurship”) in a large corporation and decision-making processes in mature markets (here: US HQ) vs. emerging markets (here: Russia). The case concerns a medical devices company and the life sciences industry; however, market mechanisms are applicable to other industries as well. In Case A, two experienced Russian managers face a tempting business opportunity: founding a professional education center for healthcare personnel in one of the most prosperous regions of Central Asia seems to offer win-win situations for all stakeholders involved. Case B aims at strengthening the student’s capabilities for thinking about alternatives and developing the tenacity to pursue entrepreneurial ideas. The case closes in the third section by asking “Was it worth it?”
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ESMT Case Study

B&C crossing borders in Russia (C)

ESMT Case Study No. ESMT-813-0138-1
Katharina Lange (2013)
entrepreneurship, medical equipment & device industry
The three part case discusses managing the dilemma of compliance versus entrepreneurial decisions (“intrapreneurship”) in a large corporation and decision-making processes in mature markets (here: US HQ) vs. emerging markets (here: Russia). The case concerns a medical devices company and the life sciences industry; however, market mechanisms are applicable to other industries as well. In Case A, two experienced Russian managers face a tempting business opportunity: founding a professional education center for healthcare personnel in one of the most prosperous regions of Central Asia seems to offer win-win situations for all stakeholders involved. Case B aims at strengthening the student’s capabilities for thinking about alternatives and developing the tenacity to pursue entrepreneurial ideas. The case closes in the third section by asking “Was it worth it?”
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Book Chapter

Global careers: The Russian experience

In Careers without borders: Critical perspectives, edited by Cristina Reis, Yehuda Baruch, 185–204. London: Routledge.
Konstantin Korotov, Sheila M. Puffer, Daniel J. McCarthy, Vlad Vaiman (2013)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
Secondary Title
Careers without borders: Critical perspectives
Book Chapter

Der Begriff der Wettbewerbsverzerrung unter Artikel 107 1TFEU [Distortion of Competition under Art 107 1 TFEU]

In Europäisches Beihilfenrecht, edited by Alexander Birnstiel, Marc Bungenberg, Helge Heinrich, 186–195. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Economics, politics and business environment
Secondary Title
Europäisches Beihilfenrecht
Book Chapter

Die Abwägungsprüfung unter Art 107 3c TFEU [The balancing test under Art 107 3c TFEU]

In Europäisches Beihilfenrecht, edited by Alexander Birnstiel, Marc Bungenberg, Helge Heinrich, 524–531. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Economics, politics and business environment
Secondary Title
Europäisches Beihilfenrecht

Вся эта история поддерживает тезис о том, что никому нельзя верить [This story supports the belief that no one can be trusted]

Sekret Firmy 5 (330): 109–110
Journal Pages
ISSN (Print)