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Publication records

Journal Article

Estimating level effects in diffusion of a new technology: Barcode scanning at the checkout counter

Applied Economics 43 (14): 1737–1748
Jonathan Beck, Michał Grajek, Christian Wey (2011)
Economics, politics and business environment
diffusion, information technology, retail competition
JEL Code(s)
L5, L81, O33
Journal Pages
Journal Article

Umgang mit Emotionen in Verhandlungen (Teil 1) [Dealing with emotions in negotiations]

Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement 2: 40–44
K.P. Berger, M. Bernhardt, Andreas Bernhardt (2011)
Strategy and general management
Journal Pages
Journal Article

Die Organisation als Kunstwerk

Personalwirtschaft 4: 34–36
Jörg Reckhenrich, Martin Kupp (2011)
Strategy and general management
Journal Pages

Компания не гаражный кооператив, где все имеют равное право голоса [A company is not a garage cooperative where everyone has a vote right]

Sekret Firmy 4 (308): 83–86
Human resources management/organizational behavior; Strategy and general management
coaching, entrepreneurship, human resources management
Journal Pages
ISSN (Print)
Journal Article

Career entrepreneurship

Organizational Dynamics 40 (2): 127–135
Konstantin Korotov, Svetlana Khapova, Michael B. Arthur (2011)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
careers, career entrepreneurship, career coaching, career management
This article introduces "career entrepreneurship," a rapidly spreading phenomenon in the global knowledge-driven economy. Career entrepreneurship involves taking an entrepreneurial approach to managing our careers. It means doing things that seem "illegitimate" to other people and contradict socially-recognized and accepted sequences of work experiences in terms of age, education, or socio-economic progression. This kind of behavior challenges established norms about typical career development. The evidence presented in this article suggests new possibilities for thinking about the way individuals invest in their careers, new insights for organizations interested in capturing the potential of career entrepreneurship, and new ideas for career and life coaches to support people embracing the phenomenon. The article offers a primer on career entrepreneurship to all three groups of readers, calling for more effective collaborative relationships and more effective leveraging of individuals' career investments.
With permission of Elsevier
Journal Pages
Journal Article

How to measure patent thickets: A novel approach

Economics Letters 111 (1): 6–9
Georg von Graevenitz, Dietmar Harhoff, Stefan Wagner (2011)
Technology, R&D management
patenting, patent thickets, patent portfolio races, complexity
JEL Code(s)
L13, L20, O34
The existing literature identifies patent thickets indirectly. In this paper we propose a novel measure based on patent citations which allows us to measure the density of patent thickets directly. We discuss the algorithm which generates the measure and present descriptive results validating it. Moreover, we identify technology areas which are particularly impacted by patent thickets.
With permission of Elsevier
Journal Pages
Journal Article

Other-regarding preferences in general equilibrium

Review of Economic Studies 78 (2): 613–639
Martin Dufwenberg, Paul Heidhues, Georg Kirchsteiger, Frank Riedel, Joel Sobel (2011)
Economics, politics and business environment
markets, other-regarding preferences, self-interest, welfare theorems
JEL Code(s)
D50, D62, D64
We study competitive market outcomes in economies where agents have other-regarding preferences (ORPs). We identify a separability condition on monotone preferences that is necessary and sufficient for one's own demand to be independent of the allocations and characteristics of other agents in the economy. Given separability, it is impossible to identify ORPs from market behaviour: agents behave as if they had classical preferences that depend only on own consumption in competitive equilibrium. If preferences, in addition, depend only on the final allocation of consumption in society, the Second Welfare Theorem holds as long as any increase in resources can be distributed in a way that makes all agents better off. The First Welfare Theorem generally does not hold. Allowing agents to care about their own consumption and the distribution of consumption possibilities in the economy, the competitive equilibria are efficient given prices if and only if there is no Pareto-improving redistribution of income.
© The Author 2011. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Review of Economic Studies Limited.
Journal Pages
Journal Article

Think again: Entrepreneurs on a dance floor

Business Strategy Review 22 (1): 65–68
Jamie Anderson, Martin Kupp, Jörg Reckhenrich (2011)
Strategy and general management
competitive strategy, competitive advantage, madonna, customer analysis
The business world has a healthy appetite for learning from unusual role models. In this article from the 2006 archives, Jamie Anderson, Martin Kupp and Jorg Reckhenrich reveal the entrepreneurial side of an entertainment legend.
© 2011 London Business School
Journal Pages
ESMT Case Study

Norman Nicholls at Seattle Management Consulting

ESMT Case Study No. ESMT-711-0121-1
Urs Müller (2011)
Ethics and social responsibility
business ethics, corruption, dealing with ethical dilemmas, preventing ethical dilemmas, issues of professional code of conduct in services industry (esp. consulting), managing client relations in professional services industry, governance, conflict of interest
On October 26, 2004, Norman Nicholls - partner of the consulting company "Seattle Management Consultants" in London (UK) - received a phone call from Jesper Lind, board member of Telco-Equipment-Experts. Jesper told Norman: "If you don't change your recommendation on the outsourcing job you are doing for Damotel, our business relationship might suffer in the future."
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ESMT Working Paper

Sales tax competition and a multinational with a decreasing marginal cost

ESMT Working Paper No. 11-01
Alexei Alexandrov, Özlem Bedre-Defolie (2011)
Economics, politics and business environment
tax competition, sales taxes, multinationals, decreasing marginal cost, economies of scale
JEL Code(s)
F12, F23, H25, H71
We examine a multinational firm which has a decreasing marginal cost, and the optimal sales tax policies of the regions where that firm operates. We show that the regions set higher sales taxes than those given by a cooperative equilibrium. Each region fails to fully internalize the effects of its tax level on another region's welfare and the incentives for that region's authority. Exponential cost functions which exhibit economies of scale (for example Cobb-Douglas) and linear demand functions satisfy our assumptions. Our results suggest the need to coordinate sales tax levels between countries and between smaller entities, like states in the United States. Smaller regions benefit more from such coordination. Lowering sales taxes in each region increases welfare for all regions, profits for firms, and consumer welfare.


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ISSN (Print)