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Publication records

Journal Article

Market definition of broadband Internet services in Slovakia: are fixed and mobile technologies in the same market?

Information Economics and Policy 28: 39–56
Lukasz Grzybowskia, Rainer Nitsche, Frank Verboven, Lars Wiethaus (2014)
Economics, politics and business environment
Broadband, market definition, multinomial logit, mixed logit
JEL Code(s)
L13, L43, L93
This paper uses a rich survey of 6446 households in Slovakia to estimate price elasticities of demand for Internet access, and draw implications for market definition. We estimate a mixed logit model, in which households choose between different broadband technologies: DSL, cable modem, fibre, WiFi and mobile. We find that a number of household characteristics influence the technology choices, and there is also significant unobserved heterogeneity. Demand for Internet access is highly price sensitive. The price elasticity of demand for DSL is −3.02, which falls in the middle of the range of elasticities for the other technologies. Furthermore, the price elasticity of demand at the level of all fixed broadband technologies (DSL + cable modem + fibre + WiFi) is equal to −1.98. For a reasonable range of profit margins, this estimate implies that mobile broadband should be included in the relevant antitrust market of fixed broadband. Our findings have implications for competition policy in Central and Eastern European countries where due to poor copper networks mobile broadband is an important alternative to fixed broadband.
Journal Pages
Journal Article

The semiformal organization

Organization Science 25 (5): 1306–1324
Susan Biancani, Daniel A. McFarland, Linus Dahlander (2014)
Entrepreneurship; Technology, R&D management
social networks; organizational form; organizational structure; innovation; network analysis; sociology of science
This paper draws attention to a new dimension of organization, the semiformal organization, and it reveals how the allocation of different membership forms can render knowledge-intensive organizations more flexible and exploratory in their knowledge creation efforts without sacrificing the functions stably enacted via the formal organization. Most knowledge-intensive organizations seek to create new spaces for collaborations through formally prescribed departments and divisions or through serendipitous, emergent, informal associations (i.e., the formal and informal organization). However, organizations also strategically manage what we call the “semiformal organization” to guide the creation of new work relations and encourage innovation. These secondary memberships are organizationally sponsored and directly related to the organizations’ core research functions, but they are voluntarily joined. As such, they are distinct from formal and informal memberships. On the basis of extensive longitudinal analyses of research initiatives at Stanford University, we find that the semiformal organization provides a compelling channel through which organizations can shape employees’ collaborations and overall productivity.
© 2014 INFORMS
Journal Pages
Journal Article

Zooming in while zooming out: How a consumption context animates a macrofocus investigation and stimulates new opportunities for theoretical insights

Advances in Consumer Research 42: 255–259
Katja H. Brunk, Benjamin J. Hartmann (2014)
Theory development, unit of analysis, consumer acculturation, nostalgia, consumption culture
JEL Code(s)
Journal Pages
ESMT Case Study From a hot idea to an established market player?

ESMT Case Study No. ESMT-314-0154-1
Jamie Anderson, Martin Kupp, Michael Raith (2014)
Strategy and general management
Competitive advantage, tipping point, disruptive innovation, strategic innovation, business model, business model innovation, differentiation, first-mover advantage, new market space, online banking, peer to peer, UK banking industry, value innovation, Zopa
Launched in early 2005, Zopa is a peer-to-peer online brokerage that couples British residents who want to lend with those who want to borrow. The company represents a new business model in the retail financial services industry, and since Zopa is not technically a bank and does not lend money itself, the capital requirements to run the business are relatively small. Compared to a traditional full service bank Zopa concentrates on only a few steps of the value chain. This case study provides an overview of how Zopa, a value innovator, has developed a unique position in the market through an innovative business model. This case enables students to develop a good understanding of the elements of a value innovation and how technologies have the potential to shake up an established industry structure and its key players. Students also get to discuss the sustainability of competitive advantage in a business in which network effects play an important role. Finally, the case can be used to address the topic of how incumbent firms should respond to innovative new business models.
The case helps students to develop a deeper understanding of the concepts of positioning, value innovation, sustainable competitive advantage, and responding to new market entrants. It is intended for MBA courses in strategic management, innovation, and marketing and can also be used in executive education programs as part of a competitive strategy program to discuss issues related to positioning, value innovation, and sustainable competitive advantage. The case is especially suitable for financial services managers in traditional retail or online banking facing the threat of market entry by low-cost or more focused firms.
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Book Chapter

Germany's decentralized energy revolution

In Distributed generation and its implications for the utility industry, edited by Fereidoon Sioshansi, 49–74. Waltham, MA: Academic Press.
Strategy and general management
Feed-in tariff, decentralized energy generation, German Energiewende, prosumer energy emotionalization
Secondary Title
Distributed generation and its implications for the utility industry
Journal Article

Staatsverschuldung: Privilegien des Staates auf dem Prüfstand [Sovereign debt: Analyzing state's privileges]

Wirtschaftsdienst 94 (8): 560–563
Thiess Büttner, Kai Konrad, Jörg Rocholl (2014)
Economics, politics and business environment
Economic policy, labor economics, macroeconomics/monetary economics, social policy, European integration
JEL Code(s)
E58, G38, H63
Journal Pages
Conference Proceeding

Mass layoffs: When and how do they affect customer satisfaction?

Customer & Service Systems 1 (1): 55–58
Johannes Habel, Martin Klarmann (2014)
Marketing; Strategy and general management
Customer satisfaction, organizational downsizing, layoffs, firm performance, organizational slack, panel data analysis
JEL Code(s)
Journal Pages

Learning should be encouraged by inquiry also, not only by telling

In Safety management in context: Cross-industry learning for theory and practice, edited by Gudela Grote, John Carroll, 34–36. : Swiss Re Centre for Global Dialogue.
Zhike Lei (2014)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
Secondary Title
Safety management in context: Cross-industry learning for theory and practice
Journal Article

Ziele verfehlt - und nun? [Targets missed - now what?]

Johannes Habel, Christian Schmitz, Luisa Kuschke (2014)
Human resources management/organizational behavior; Marketing
Sales management, target setting, error management, leadership
JEL Code(s)
Journal Article

Engendered access or engendered care? Evidence from a major Indian hospital

Economic and Political Weekly 49 (25): 47–53
Rajshri Jayaraman, Debraj Ray, Shing-Yi Wang (2014)
Economics, politics and business environment; Health and environment
Journal Pages