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ESMT Berlin holding second TEDx conference "Tomorrow's Mindset"


“Last year's TEDx conference at ESMT was a great success, and we are very excited to present a diverse group of speakers again this year,” says Kelsey Fennell, lead organizer and a student in the…

ESMT Berlin revises its full-time MBA program to increase social impact, international exchange, and career opportunities


Starting in January of each year, the previously 13-month general management program will now take 15 months to complete and offers greater choice to students. Building upon the existing strong…

ESMT Berlin strengthens cooperation with MIM Compass


The platform MIM Compass provides an overview of master in management degree programs that have been included in the Financial Times’ Masters in Management Ranking. Therefore, students can inform…


Faculty & Research

Entrepreneurship@ESMT: Early-stage learnings of being an entrepreneur It’s our utmost pleasure to inviting you to our next virtual Entrepreneurship@ESMT event. On February 2nd (6:00 PM - 7:00 PM), we…

ESMT Berlin welcomes newest intake of full-time MBA class


Participants in the new cohort are, on average, 31 years old and have seven years of professional experience. Half of the students come from the finance, technology, or consulting sectors. Ninety…

Price discrimination of customers has limited profit impact in online industries


Price discrimination – charging different customers different prices for the same goods – is common in offline markets as it allows companies to increase profits. Despite its promises, price…

Contribution received


Thank you for supporting ESMT Berlin! Your contribution has been received. We will be in contact with you in three to four business days. If you have any questions, please contact us at alumni@esmt…

5 reasons innovative R&D projects don’t get funded


Deciding which new ideas are winners and which are duds is difficult for research and development (R&D) expert panels because of personal biases and the panel decision-making process itself,…

Financial Times: ESMT Berlin climbs to rank 7 in Europe


“Not quite 20 years ago, German industry recognized that, as most powerful economy in Europe, Germany was in strong need of a leading business school with a global reach. That is how ESMT Berlin came…

Entrepreneurs perform better if able to choose ideas OR team members – but not both


Scholars suggest autonomy can lead to better entrepreneurial team performance, but there are different types of autonomy. Viktoria Boss and Christoph Ihl, both from Hamburg University of Technology,…