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R&D Annual Report 2016 illustrates high-quality research output at ESMT Berlin


In 2016, the international business school hired two new professors in the area of organizational behavior: Gianluca Carnabuci, associate professor and formerly of the University of Lugano, and…

Business and political leaders discuss global change at ESMT Annual Forum 2019


 New Opportunities” will illuminate the key trends in business innovation and leadership worldwide. International leaders in business, politics, and academia will discuss topics such as the growing…

ESMT Annual Forum 2019: Entscheidungsträger aus Politik und Wirtschaft diskutieren „Global Change“


Die am heutigen Donnerstag an der ESMT Berlin stattfindende Konferenz beleuchtet globale Entwicklungen und ihre Auswirkungen auf Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im Zeichen einer im Wandel begriffenen…

DSI News


Sandro Gaycken, Director of the Digital Society Institute (DSI) at ESMT Berlin, has been named as a senior advisor for The AI Initiative, a project of The Future Society at Harvard Kennedy School…

Harald Hungenberg joins ESMT Berlin as Dean of Executive Education


Harald Hungenberg is currently Chaired Professor of Management at the Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen-Nuremberg. He teaches worldwide in executive education programs of leading companies…

Harald Hungenberg wird Dean of Executive Education an der ESMT Berlin


Harald Hungenberg is currently Chaired Professor of Management at the Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen-Nuremberg. He teaches worldwide in executive education programs of leading companies…

ESMT Berlin and DIHK cooperate in global executive education


The cooperation brings together the executive education offerings and expertise of ESMT with the international network of the 140 Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHKs) coordinated by the DIHK in 92…

ESMT Berlin und DIHK kooperieren bei globaler Führungskräfte-Ausbildung


Die Kooperation führt die Angebote und Expertise der ESMT im Bereich der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Führungskräften mit dem vom DIHK koordinierten internationalen Netzwerk von Auslandshandelskammern …

Losing innovative employees to competitors can benefit companies, ESMT Berlin study finds


To assess the impact of mobile employees the researchers focused on R&D alliances in the pharmaceutical industry, where partnerships are a common mode of innovation as they diffuse the burden of…

Verlust innovativer Angestellter an Wettbewerber kann Vorteile bringen, zeigt Studie der ESMT Berlin


Neben dem Verlust von Talenten fürchten sie vor allem die Weitergabe von Wissen. Eine neue Studie von Stefan Wagner, Professor für Strategie an der ESMT Berlin, und Martin Goossen von der Universität…