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Publication records

Book Chapter

Preface: So far, so bad - The complexity-fear dilemma in cybersecurity and its lesson for digitalization at large

In Digital marketplaces unleashed, edited by Claudia Linnhoff-Popien, Ralf Schneider, Michael Zaddach, 29–31. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
Technology, R&D management
Digital economy, digital society, mobile internet, cybersecurity
Secondary Title
Digital marketplaces unleashed
ISBN (Online)
Book Chapter

The European network and information security directive: A cornerstone of the digital single market

In Digital marketplaces unleashed, edited by Claudia Linnhoff-Popien, Ralf Schneider, Michael Zaddach, 287–295. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
Martin Schallbruch (2018)
Technology, R&D management
Marketplaces of the future, digital strategies, online services, mobile internet, e-business, network and information security, cybersecurity, EU law
Secondary Title
Digital marketplaces unleashed
ISBN (Online)
Journal Article

Tolerating failure: A key to creating sustainable business

The European Business Review January/February: 19–21
CB Bhattacharya, Ernesto Ciorra, Joanna Radeke (2018)
Ethics and social responsibility
Sustainability, innovation, failure
Journal Pages
DSI Industrial & Policy Recommendations Series (IPR)

Cybersecurity 2018-2020: Proposals for action for the CDU/CSU and SPD

DSI Industrial & Policy Recommendations Series (IPR) 2018 (1)
Martin Schallbruch, Sandro Gaycken, Isabel Skierka (2018)
Economics, politics and business environment; Information technology and systems; Technology, R&D management
IT security, cybersecurity
The report gives an overview on the current situation on cybersecurity and the political handling of that topic. It also recaps the goals and failures of the last four years and recommends action areas.
Journal Article

Financing capacity investment under demand uncertainty: An optimal contracting approach

Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 20 (1): 85–96
Special Issue on Interface of Finance, Operations, and Risk Management (Winter 2018)
Francis de Véricourt, Denis Gromb (2018)
Management sciences, decision sciences and quantitative methods
Capacity, optimal contracts, financial constraints, newsvendor model
We study the capacity choice problem of a firm, whose access to capital is hampered by financial frictions, i.e., moral hazard. The firm optimizes both its capacity investment under demand uncertainty and its sourcing of funds from a competitive investor. Ours is the first study of this problem to adopt an optimal contracting approach: feasible sources of funds are derived endogenously from fundamentals and include standard financial claims (debt, equity, convertible debt, etc.). Thus, in contrast to most of the literature on financing capacity investments, our results are robust to a change of financial contract. We characterize the optimal capacity level under optimal financing. First, we find conditions under which a feasible financial contract exists that achieves first-best. When no such contract exists, we find that under optimal financing, the choice of capacity sometimes exceeds strictly the efficient level. Further, the firm invests more when its cash is low, and in some cases less when the project’s unit revenue is high. These results run counter to the newsvendor logic and standard finance arguments. We also show that our main results hold in the case of a strategic monopolist investor, and such an investor may invest more than a competitive one.
© 2017, INFORMS
Journal Pages
Teaching material

The essence of strategy

ESMT Publication
Olaf Plötner, Harald Hungenberg (2018)
Marketing; Strategy and general management
Competitive advantage, customer segments, product technology, business model, growth options, company’s value, portfolio management, merger & acquisitions, corporate synergies
The paper summarizes the key elements of business strategies as well as corporate strategies and puts them together as a synchronized framework.
Book Chapter

Minimum-variance hedging for managing risks in inventory models with price fluctuations

In Integrated risk management in supply chains, 11 vols. 107-123. .
Caner Canyakmaz, Süleyman Özekici, Fikri Karaesmen (2017)
Minimum-variance hedging, inventory, price risk, demand risk
We consider the financial hedging of a random operational cash flow that arises in inventory operations with price and demand uncertainty. We use a variance minimization approach to find a financial portfolio that would minimize the total variance of operational and financial returns. For inventory models that involve continuous price fluctuations and price-dependent demand that arrives in continuous time, we characterize the minimum-variance hedging policies and numerically illustrate their effectiveness.
Secondary Title
Integrated risk management in supply chains
Journal Article

IT-Sicherheitsrecht – Schutz digitaler Dienste, Datenschutz und Datensicherheit [IT security law – Protection of digital services, data protection, and data security]

Computer und Recht 33 (12): 798–804
Martin Schallbruch (2017)
Economics, politics and business environment; Information technology and systems
IT security, cybersecurity, cyber law, data protection, privacy, data security
Journal Pages
ISSN (Online)
ESMT Working Paper

Static or dynamic efficiency: Horizontal merger effects in the wireless telecommunications industry

ESMT Working Paper No. 17-04
Michał Grajek, Klaus Gugler, Tobias Kretschmer, Ion Mişcişin (2017)
Economics, politics and business environment; Information technology and systems; Technology, R&D management
Telecom mergers, static and dynamic efficiency, difference-in-difference
JEL Code(s)
L22, O33, G34, L96
This paper studies five mergers in the European wireless telecommunication industry and analyzes their impact on prices and capital expenditures of both merging carriers and their rivals. We find substantial heterogeneity in the relationship between increases in concentration and carriers’ prices. The specifics of each merger case clearly matter. Moreover, we find a positive correlation between the price and the investment effects; when the prices after merger increase (decrease), the investments increase (decrease) too. Thus, we document a trade-off between static and dynamic efficiencies of mergers.


View all ESMT Working Papers in the ESMT Working Paper Series here. ESMT Working Papers are also available via SSRN, RePEc, EconStor, and the German National Library (DNB).

ISSN (Print)
Online Article

Blockchain and smart contracts: Pioneers of the energy frontier

International Business Times
Economics, politics and business environment; Entrepreneurship
Blockchain, smart contracts, business models, energy transition, P2P networks