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Sanction the use of cyberweapons, not the weapons themselves


Pleil and her colleagues conducted the literature review on challenges and obstacles facing the development of arms control measures in cyberspace. This review, augmented by expert interviews,…

AI can take over key management roles in scientific research


Researchers Maximilian Koehler, PhD candidate at ESMT, and Henry Sauermann, professor of strategy at ESMT, explore the role of AI, not as a “worker” performing specific research tasks such as data…

ESMT Berlin students present DigitalFuture Summit 2024


This year’s speakers include:Amitai Golub, Partner MIcompany, former McKinsey Antonio Batinovic, CMO, Holzrichter Berlin & Content Creator Axel Weichert, Director of Customer, Data & Commerce…

Firms with exclusive networks excel by 7% in market crises


This finding emerges from a collaborative study by Matthew S. Bothner, professor of strategy and Deutsche Telekom Chair holder at ESMT Berlin, together with Nghi Truong, an ESMT Berlin alumna now on…

Scholarships at ESMT Berlin empower female executives


The scholarships are particularly aimed at women who are excelling in senior leadership positions and preparing for a top management position, especially those who are responsible for a corporate…

“Building Common Ground” - Berlin Global Dialogue announces the theme of its second summit


 After successfully launching in 2023, the second Berlin Global Dialogue will take place October 1-2 this year at the ESMT campus in the heart of Berlin. With the theme “Building Common Ground,” the…

ESMT Berlin unveils new logo and brand identity


“The brand refresh ensures our visual identity matches our commitment to leadership and innovation in the heart of Europe,” said Molly Ihlbrock, director of corporate communications. “With our new…

ESMT Berlin elevates its sustainability focus


The ESMT Institute for Sustainable Transformation is at the forefront of addressing real-world environmental, social, and governance (ESG) challenges through rigorous academic research. The institute…

ESMT Berlin und BCG publish index comparing biotech innovation hubs in Europe


The pioneering study reveals a significant gap between European hubs, particularly in Germany, and their U.S. counterparts in transforming academic research into successful biotech ventures. Despite…

DEEP becomes SPRIND partner for biomanufacturing innovation


The joint program between SPRIND and DEEP will deliver a specialized mentoring program for eight SPRIND Challenge teams chosen in 2023. These teams have embarked on a up to three-year innovation…