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Historical campus tours


In 2006, the ESMT campus was opened in the former state council building (Staatratsgebäude) of the German Democratic Republic. The building is located on Schlossplatz, directly opposite the Berlin…

Historische Führungen


Der ESMT Campus wurde 2006 im ehemaligen Staatsratsgebäude der DDR eröffnet. Das Gebäude befindet sich am historischen Schlossplatz, direkt gegenüber des ehemaligen Stadtschlosses, in der Nähe vieler…

Asset Management Conference

Faculty & Research

August 19–20, 2024 at ESMT Berlin

ESMT podcast


Campus 10178 – Where education meets business.

Privacy-first marketing on the AI frontier


Striking a balance between personalization and privacy has become a critical challenge for marketers, particularly with growing consumer and legislative demand for privacy-first marketing strategies…

Join us online


Our live webinars offer an introduction to the program of your interest or present an opportunity to ask specific questions you might have about particular topics. You’ll get a chance to meet ESMT…