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Full-Time MBA Employment Report


ESMT alumni work in diverse industries and companies in over 40 countries.Graduates from outside the EU are eligible to stay 18 months in Germany for job searching purposes.Given the global situation…

Zwischen Wolken und Clouds: Wie begegnen wir physischen und digitalen Gefahren im Luftverkehr?

Faculty & Research

Mit der zunehmenden Digitalisierung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft hat auch die digitale Transformation der Luftfahrtbranche stetig zugenommen. Sowohl im Cockpit als auch in Schaltzentralen, Towern…

General Terms and Conditions of Open Programs

Executive Education

PreambleESMT Berlin is a non-profit private institution of higher education, committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion across all its activities and communities. Our purpose reflects the WHY of…

ESMT Junior Accounting Conference

Faculty & Research

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the ESMT Accounting Junior Conference at ESMT Berlin on June 7.

Full-time MBA Timeline & courses


The full-time MBA schedule delivered at ESMT Berlin blends academic theory and practical application, with a significant portion focusing on experiences outside the classroom. The specific skills you…

ESMT Berlin reaccredited by the German Council of Science and Humanities


The reaccreditation was awarded after an intensive examination of the university’s teaching and research capacities, as well as its resources and institutional framework, thus confirming that it…

If you give companies R&D credits, they are more likely to acquire startups


These findings emerge from research by Merih Sevilir, professor of finance at ESMT Berlin and head of the department laws, regulations, and factor markets at the Halle Institute for Economic Research…