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Citizens can generate novel and high-impact research questions for science


The authors suggest that allowing citizens to help set the research agenda and provide their own research questions and hypotheses could have advantages over the current approach, where academics…

New research from ESMT Berlin: Accepting refugees has long-term benefits to the economy


In 1945, millions of refugees were displaced westward to Germany, which was divided into four zones occupied by France, the US, the UK, and the Soviet Union. However, refugee acceptance differed: the…

Linus Dahlander awarded Prize in Economics and Management


Maria Stanfors, associate dean and professor of economic history at Lund University School of Economics and Management as well as chair of the prize committee, explains why the committee chose Linus…

ESMT Berlin expands its international exchange options


Students may join international exchange programs in either fall or spring of the second year of the ESMT Master in Management program. During the exchange, students complete a part of the program…

Top business schools join forces to promote women in leadership with global event


In a keynote seminar, panel discussion, and network session, professionals from around the globe will come together under the umbrella “Empower your success” to better leverage their power and build…

Lars-Hendrik Röller rejoins ESMT Berlin


In his research and teaching at ESMT, Lars-Hendrik Röller will focus on the interlinkages of economics, business, and society, with a special focus on geopolitical risks. In the more than 10 years…

AACSB accredits ESMT Berlin for another five years


ESMT was first accredited by AACSB in 2012. The AACSB accreditation is the longest-standing form of specialized accreditation that business schools can receive. This voluntary process involves an…

ESMT Berlin holding second TEDx conference "Tomorrow's Mindset"


“Last year's TEDx conference at ESMT was a great success, and we are very excited to present a diverse group of speakers again this year,” says Kelsey Fennell, lead organizer and a student in the…

ESMT Berlin revises its full-time MBA program to increase social impact, international exchange, and career opportunities


Starting in January of each year, the previously 13-month general management program will now take 15 months to complete and offers greater choice to students. Building upon the existing strong…

ESMT Berlin strengthens cooperation with MIM Compass


The platform MIM Compass provides an overview of master in management degree programs that have been included in the Financial Times’ Masters in Management Ranking. Therefore, students can inform…