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Field experiment reveals: “Blinding” is not a silver bullet to deal with gender bias


The findings come from new research conducted by Linus Dahlander from ESMT Berlin, alongside Arne Thomas, Amsterdam Business School, Martin Wallin, Chalmers University of Technology, and Rebecka…

ESMT Berlin and BMW Group launch “Change Maker Fellowships” in Hungary


The BMW Group Change Maker Fellowship program builds on the long-term partnership between ESMT and the BMW Group. It is designed to develop tech-savvy future leaders by complementing a STEM (science,…

ESMT Berlin expands activities in Central and Eastern Europe


ESMT looks forward to more than 20 qualified applicants from Central and Eastern Europe annually, to be distributed among the full-time MBA, part-time MBA, Global Online MBA, and master programs at…

ESMT Berlin: Research team to evaluate digital skills program in Rwanda


The research project “Evaluation of a Digital Skills Program for TVET Teachers in Rwanda” will evaluate the impact of the digital skills training program on teachers’ digital and pedagogical…

At a loss with biodiversity loss?


Bees are major pollinators of food crops. Their extinction would threaten the earth’s ecosystem, and food chains upon which we all depend. Many of us already know this since bees have the dubious…

ESMT Berlin awards scholarships for women in senior leadership positions


The scholarships are particularly aimed at talented women in senior leadership positions who, for example, are preparing for a top management position, are responsible for a corporate division, or…

How to navigate the new landscape of executive education


The demand for high-quality leadership development has risen dramatically, leading to a shift in the way that executive education programs are delivered. Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all, face…

ESMT Berlin: New book on how industrial companies can survive deglobalization


Deglobalization and the unpredictability of global business have led technology-based industries to review their overall strategies. Current geopolitical changes – the war in Ukraine, effects of the…

ESMT Berlin publishes first venture report


Since ESMT’s founding, over 200 ESMT ventures have been established. These newly founded companies have raised over 190 million euros in capital and have also created more than 1,500 jobs. The three…

Prof. Joachim Wuermeling strengthens ESMT Berlin


Prof. Wuermeling will remain on the executive board of the Deutsche Bundesbank until December 31, 2023. Previously, he held senior positions in politics, the financial industry, and administration,…