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The maverick is a mainstream success story


Whether in popular media, business, or politics, the term conjures up the idea of a leader whose very success is in their fearless convictions and their readiness to go it alone – convention and…

In the long run, we are all leading remotely


It feels like a distant memory that Marissa Mayer, the then president and CEO of Yahoo, banned remote working there in 2013, or that we were having heated public debates on “shirking from home.” The…

The global banking industry – downfalls and learnings


Focusing on a variety of topics, such as Brexit, digitalization, and climate change as well as their effect on the global banking industry, Dombret analyzes the reasons for and effects of the…

Why now is the time for “Open Innovation”


The German multinational Siemens, for instance, opened up its Additive Manufacturing Network to anyone who needs help in medical device design. Heavy truck maker Scania and the Karolinska University…

Out with the old, in with the new (work)


Each year in June, ESMT Berlin invites experts from business, government, academia, and civil society to share their perspectives and experiences as it relates to the hottest topics of the modern…

Work and leadership beyond illusion


Each year in June, ESMT Berlin invites experts from business, government, academia, and civil society to share their perspectives and experiences as it relates to the hottest topics of the modern…

Change is now


Each year in June, ESMT Berlin invites experts from business, government, academia, and civil society to share their perspectives and experiences as it relates to the hottest topics of the modern…

The hidden costs of the “luxury” of working from home (+ video)


Each year in June, ESMT Berlin invites experts from business, government, academia, and civil society to share their perspectives and experiences as it relates to the hottest topics of the modern…

Making Germany's economy future-proof


To answer these questions, experts rely on quantitative models and comprehensive calculations. These have their undisputed justification, but do not go far enough for the American Nobel Prize winner…

Taking youth to the top


The first is global warming. Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg’s ability to mobilize thousands globally to militate against climate change is perhaps the most vivid example. According to the 2019…