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Seeing the light


Much of the first phase of the energy transformation is complete. Globally, we have shifted our focus from a firm reliance on coal, nuclear, and natural gas to truly imagining a future fueled by…

“It’s not just about autonomous cars. It’s about everything.”


  Good afternoon, everybody. It’s a distinct pleasure to be here. I’m going to walk around a bit so my brain can start to live with the audience and I can see your faces a bit on the messages I want…

Imagine alternatives to negotiate more ambitiously


Job offers are not as abundant as they used to be. A recent survey by GMAC, for example, suggests that the average MBA graduate only has a single job offer to choose from. This leaves many feeling…

Annealing. An alternative route to digital transformation.


Most likely your company is exploring how to enter “The Digital Age.” Digital transformation has been a hot topic for the past few years. Established organizations are taking lessons from grown-up…

Nothing is free


Digitization has a tremendous impact on the conduct and the economics of business as it has the power to transform virtually every step in the value chain of almost every industry. Most visibly to…

Digitalization fuels modern aerospace and aeronautics


  Thank you very much for this warm welcome. I knew from the agenda that I would be the last of the keynote speakers and I knew with Carsten Spohr would speak before me. Carsten, as you’ve seen, is a…

Cutting-edge mobility tech is changing aviation


    Thank you very much for that nice introduction for, indeed, what is my first visit to ESMT and I must say, and I said this to my neighbor, Dr. Zetsche, this is quite a different Audimax than the…

How to make firms disclose environmental violations


Professor Peng Sun found offering rewards to firms on a decreasing scale between inspections is the most efficient way of uncovering environmental violations. The proposal solves problems with…

If all you have is a hammer... natural language processing in financial markets


Regulatory innovations in the area of financial and non-financial reporting require corporations to provide rich information not only on their financial activities but also on their corporate…

Death defying decisions


The Democratic Republic of Congo is facing one of the greatest health crises of its history. In August of this year, its Ministry of Health declared a new outbreak of the Ebola virus; in November, a…