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Exchange at ESMT


The ESMT International Office administers the exchange process including nomination, application, and course selection, and supports the students before, during, and after their exchange at ESMT. For…

Full-time MBA scholarships


ESMT’s MBA scholarships have been designed to help you make your international business career a reality. With more than 32 scholarships on offer, outstanding MBA applicants are welcome at ESMT…

Timeline & courses


On this page you can explore the curriculum and courses in more detail and get a taste of what to expect for the global online MBA experience.The Global Online MBA from ESMT Berlin is a highly…

Meet the master program faculty


On this page you can get to know the team of experts and academics that will be delivering your master program’s courses, whether you're interested in the MGM, MIA, MAAI.  

Student clubs at ESMT Berlin


Get involved with a student-run club at ESMT BerlinBeyond the classroom there are many ways that you can expand your experiences and meet like-minded people. One great way to do this is to join one…

Shaping Cybersecurity Conference 2024

Faculty & Research

The Shaping Cybersecurity Conference 2024, co-organized by the German Federal Foreign Office (AA), the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH) and the Digital Society Institute (DSI)…