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Expert Forum Adaptation and Mitigation Finance

Registrations now open

September 09, 2024, 9:00 - 5:30 p.m. followed by a reception and networking dinner

ESMT Berlin | In-person event only, registration and welcome coffee starts at 8:30 a.m.

The Societal Impact Financing Initiative (SciFi) at ESMT business school in Berlin organizes the Expert Forum Adaptation and Mitigation Finance. With support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, our event brings together leading international climate finance scholars, policy stakeholders, investors, development finance institutions and foundations. The Expert Forum Adaptation and Mitigation Finance takes place just one day prior to the World Bank conference on Climate Finance, Innovate4Climate, which takes place in Berlin this year. 

We recommend booking accommodation early, as our event coincides with the World Bank conference and IFA and high demand for hotels is to be expected

For any additional questions please contact Olga Almqvist (

Confirmed speakers

  • Chris Clubb, Managing Director, Convergence
  • Anmay Dittman, Head of the Climate Finance Partnership, BlackRock
  • Ottmar Edenhofer, Director and Chief Economist, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
  • Thomas Engelmann, CEO, PtX Development Fund
  • Martin Ewald, Managing Director, London Office, Allianz Global Investors, OECD Senior Expert Group on Blended Finance and Adaptation
  • Marcel Haag, Director, DG for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, European Commission
  • Raji Jayamaran, Professor of Economics, ESMT, Co-Director, Forward Society Lab
  • David Kuijper, CEO, European DFIs (EDFI)
  • Christian Krämer, Member of the Management Committee, KfW Development Bank
  • Jörg Kukies, State Secretary, German Chancellery, G7 Sherpa
  • Anja Langenbucher, Europe Director, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Marie Lam-Frendo, Chief Strategy Officer, Meridiam
  • Bernhard Lorentz, Chairman of the Advisory Board, Stiftung Klimaneutralität
  • Malango Mughogho, Managing Director, ZENIZENI
  • Avinash Persaud, Special Advisor on Climate Change to the President of the Inter-American Development Bank
  • Leila Pourarkin, Research Director, Kaya Partners
  • Merih Sevilir, Professor of Finance, ESMT
  • Günther Thallinger, Member of the Board of Management and Chair of the Investment Board, Allianz. Chair of the Steering Group, Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance
  • Anzetse Were, Senior Economist and Green Finance Advisor, Financial Sector Deepening (FSD) Kenya 


Suggested pre-reads


© Global Center on Adaptation and Environmental Change Institute

Draft Agenda and Hotel Recommendations

Draft Agenda

  • Opening keynote:  Climate action and sustainable development

  • Session:  Aligning the interests of the public and private sector to mobilize climate finance

  • Political keynote: Strengthening international and cross-sector collaboration to achieve climate goals

  • Challenging the status quo: Adaptation and mitigation finance today

  • Networking Lunch

  • Effective levers to mobilize climate finance

  • Case study session

  • Investor keynote & Q&A: Moving the needle on adaptation and mitigation finance

  • Session: Concessional finance as an enabler for mitigation & adaptation finance

  • Networking dinner

Hotels close to ESMT

If you would like to attend please register through the following link