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7 ‘must do’s’ for successful luxury goods marketing


In luxury brand management, most industry players have realized that experiences are essential. However, most of what we know about designing customer experiences originates from work developed with…

High risk industries need error management


And dealing with them means to analyze them, learn what went wrong, and see that it can be changed to prevent this mistake in the future. The same should happen in business, most importantly in high…

Error management: Not just a wing and a prayer


The financial markets crisis began in 2007 and unfolded with increasing severity. At the time, we were dumbfounded that big-name banks had taken such disproportionately high risks with their…

The limits of leading others


The story On June 24, 1994, a B-52H Stratofortress bomber was taxiing toward takeoff at Fairchild Air Force Base near Spokane, Washington. The plane was part of the 92nd Bomb Wing. Its call sign was …

What business can learn from airline accidents


Thirty years ago, the aviation industry realized that many errors and airline disasters were caused by a lack of open communication in the cockpit rather than technical problems. The first report on…

Interview: Initiating a new framework for active error management


What first made you draw parallels between the world of business and the high risk aviation industry? In management we tend to focus on success stories. But I was more interested to learn why strong…

Fintech - a complex disaster in the making


And of course it is. It’s startup material, where little investment can result in instant millionaires. It’s a new kind of tech, with prospects of blue oceans. And it’s taking place in the midst of…

How companies can tap sustainability to motivate staff


A recent worldwide Gallup poll shows that employee engagement – broadly defined as a state where employees are inclined to feel and speak positively about their workplace is an abysmal 13%. In fact,…

When goods-based companies turn to consulting


One reason usually is an unsatisfactory development of profit margins in the goods-related business. Better profits can often be obtained from services. Seven recommendations to start selling…

Innovating towards your customers' future needs


A recent study by Michael A. Stanko and Joseph M. Bonner sheds new light onto this topic. By examining data from 128 companies in a variety of B2B markets, the study isolates three key…