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ESMT Case Study

Axel Springer and the quest for the boundaries of corporate responsibility

ESMT Case Study No. ESMT-714-0143-1
Anna Hofmann, Urs Müller, CB Bhattacharya (2014)
Ethics and social responsibility
Production ethics, international ethics, transparency, workplace exploitation, supply chain sustainability, social responsibility
The case deals with the quest for boundaries of corporates’ social and environmental responsibility. It poses the question where the responsibility of a company might start or end in a given context and once the company has been able to assess the extent to which it holds itself responsible, what action it ought to take in this regard. In the case of Axel Springer the question is focused on the aspect how much responsibility the company might have for its supply chain: how far and how deep down the supply chain does or should responsibility of a corporation reach? On what facts does this responsibility depend? The publishing house Axel Springer AG serves as good example as it wonders about the scope of their responsibility: After making the strategic decision to move aggressively into the field of digital news and media, the company wonders about their responsibility for digital devices, in particular with respect to conflict minerals that are extracted for the production and use of such electronic devices under highly problematic conditions.
The case draws attention to a rather ambiguous, quite complex, and intertwined sustainability issue. It requires students to think laterally about anticipated and potential risks, about scopes and the extent of responsibility. The case can be well-introduced at a later and more advanced stage of the term as it deals with the concerns of an only indirectly involved media and publishing house that can either neglect or take up the challenge of dealing with conflict minerals. Students preferably know concepts of risk management and corporate responsibility or are acquainted with cases focusing on formulating, implementing, or articulating corporate responsibility before dealing with the question of at what stage and with what tier of the supply chain could or should corporate responsibility end.
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ESMT Working Paper

Government guarantees and bank risk taking incentives

ESMT Working Paper No. 14-02 and CESifo Working Paper 4706
Markus Fischer, Christa Hainz, Jörg Rocholl, Sascha Steffen (2014)
Finance, accounting and corporate governance
Government guarantees, exits, risk taking, franchise value, financial crisis, loans
JEL Code(s)
G20, G21, G28
This paper analyzes the effect of the removal of government guarantees on bank risk taking. We exploit the removal of guarantees for German Landesbanken which results in lower credit ratings, higher funding costs, and a loss in franchise value. This removal was announced in 2001, but Landesbanken were allowed to issue guaranteed bonds until 2005. We find that Landesbanken lend to riskier borrowers after 2001. This effect is most pronounced for Landesbanken with the highest expected decrease in franchise value. Landesbanken also significantly increased their off-balance sheet exposure to the global ABCP market. Our results provide implications for the debate on how to remove guarantees.


View all ESMT Working Papers in the ESMT Working Paper Series here. ESMT Working Papers are also available via SSRN, RePEc, EconStor, and the German National Library (DNB).

ISSN (Print)
Book Review

Leveraging corporate responsibility: The stakeholder route to maximizing business and social value

by CB Bhattacharya, Sankar Sen, Daniel Korschun, India: Quality Times
CB Bhattacharya (2014)
Ethics and social responsibility
Book Chapter

Minimal change can be best option: Why Berlin snack bar resisted change

In Managing change, 6th ed., edited by Bernard Burnes, 301–302. Harlow: Pearson Education.
Urs Müller, Veit Etzold (2014)
Marketing, strategy, positioning, branding, heritage, tradition, family business, entrepreneurship, succession planning, consumer, Berlin, food
Secondary Title
Managing change
6th ed.,

The German energy turnaround: Implications for Russia

Energy Daily
Economics, politics and business environment
ESMT Business Brief

ESMT innovation index 2012: Electricity supply industry

ESMT Business Brief No. BB-14-01
Ethics and social responsibility; Strategy and general management
Electricity supply industry, innovation, research, sustainability, productivity, ranking, R&D, climate performance, renewables, security of supply, patents, investment activities, transformation leaders, research leaders, dissemination leaders, hesitants, CEZ, Electricité de France (EDF), GDF-Suez, E.ON, RWE, Enel, Dong, Fortum, Statkraft Vattenfall, Iberdrola, Energias de Portugal (EDP), Axpo, Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE)
The ESMT innovation index 2012 – Electricity supply industry measures innovation activities of 16 major European utilities. In addition to expenses on research and development (R&D), patents and research areas, it also takes indicators for process innovation into account, in particular the utilities’ performance regarding productivity and sustainability.
ISSN (Print)

Falling short of expectations? Stress-testing the European banking system

Sascha Steffen, Viral Acharya (2014)
Economics, politics and business environment; Finance, accounting and corporate governance
Book Chapter

Leveraging corporate social responsibility for competitive advantage

In Strategy to leverage CSR for competitive advantage, edited by Jaswant Singh Ahluwalia, 34–41. New Delhi: IOD Publishing.
CB Bhattacharya (2014)
Ethics and social responsibility
Secondary Title
Strategy to leverage CSR for competitive advantage
Working Paper

Falling short of expectations? Stress-testing the European banking system

Center of European Policy Studies Working Paper No. 315
Viral V. Acharya, Sascha Steffen (2014)
Finance, accounting and corporate governance
AQR, stress tests, banking union, bail-out
JEL Code(s)
G01, G21, G28, G14, G15, F3
Working Paper

Anatomy of a contract change

NBER Working Paper No. 19849
Economics, politics and business environment
Labor contracts, incentives, behavioral economics, plantations
JEL Code(s)
D23, J33, L25
ISSN (Print)