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Event at the Digital Society Institute (DSI) at ESMT Berlin

DSI events overview

Upcoming and Recent Events

Upcoming Events:

Past Events:

Partner Events:

  • 2020

  • 2019

  • 2018

    • March 13-14, 2018 (Paris, France):

      Castex Chair of Cyberstrategy "International Conference Cartography of Cyberspace" under the High Patronage of the French President
    • April 3-6, 2018 (Tokyo, Japan):

      CYDEF 2018 - NATO SPS Advanced Research Workshop on Cyberdefense Capacity Building
    • May 1-2, 2018 (Newport, RI, USA):

      Systemic Cyber Defense: Integrating Economics, Information, Innovation, and Operationalization - Workshop Series at the US Naval War College organised by the Center for Cyber Conflict Studies (C3S) with support of the DSI
  • 2017

    • March 7-9, 2017 (Cambridge, MA, USA):

      Cyber Norms 5.0: Implementing A Normative International Cybersecurity Architecture - Program committee member, MIT
    • March 30, 2017 (Berlin, Germany):

      DSI-German Bundestag "3. IT-Anwenderforum: Faktor Mensch in der IT-Sicherheit" (closed group /policy workshop)
  • 2016

    • February 24-28, 2016 (Amman, Jordan):

      NATO SPS Conference
    • March 8-11, 2016 (Cambridge, MA, USA):

      MIT (CSAIL) "Cyber Norms" - CCN4 Cyber Norms 4.0: Designing A Normative International Cybersecurity Architecture
    • April 25-28, 2016 (Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany):

      ICANN / Lomonossow University tenth international forum “Partnership of State Authorities, Civil Society and the Business Community in Ensuring International Information Security” (IIS-2016) - Forum was organised by IISI MSU (Dr. V.Sherstyuk) and DSI Berlin (Dr. Sandro Gaycken).
    • September 8, 2016 (Berlin, Germany):

      DSI-German Bundestag "1. IT-Anwenderforum: Fragen der IT-Sicherheit aus Anwendersicht“ (closed group /policy workshop)
    • December 15, 2016 (Berlin, Germany):

      DSI-German Bundestag "2. IT-Anwenderforum: Fragen der Software-Haftung“ (closed group /policy workshop)