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An Innovation Sprint from Idea to Business

Executive Education

This course is a hands-on experience in which you have to generate your business idea in an accelerated environment. Entrepreneurship primarily addresses the challenges of going from generating an…

An Innovation Sprint from Idea to Business

Executive Education

Dieser Kurs ist praxisorientiert, denn Sie werden in einem intensiven Lernumfeld Ihre eigene Geschäftsidee entwickeln müssen. Entrepreneurship befasst sich in erster Linie mit der Herausforderung,…

Young Physician Leaders

Executive Education

Young Physician Leaders is designed to develop the leadership talent of an international group of young, promising healthcare and public health professionals. Launched in 2011 by the InterAcademy…

Young Physician Leaders

Executive Education

Das Seminar Young Physician Leaders fördert zukünftige Führungskräfte aus einer internationalen Gruppe junger, vielversprechender Fachkräfte aus dem Gesundheitswesen. Das Programm wurde 2011 von der…

Design Thinking and Corporate Change

Executive Education

Design Thinking is one of the world‘s most popular methods of establishing a dynamic, customer-focused and goal-oriented innovation culture within the organization – for start-ups, SMEs and large…

Design Thinking und Unternehmenswandel

Executive Education

Design Thinking ist eine der weltweit populärsten Methoden, eine dynamische, kundenzentrierte und zielorientierte Innovationskultur im Unternehmen zu etablieren - gleichermaßen bei Start-ups, KMUs…

Persuasion, Power, and Politics

Executive Education

Refine your persuasion skills, discover effective strategies to navigate organizational dynamics, and understand the psychology of influence. This course is tailored for those aspiring to maximize…