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Digitalization fuels modern aerospace and aeronautics


  Thank you very much for this warm welcome. I knew from the agenda that I would be the last of the keynote speakers and I knew with Carsten Spohr would speak before me. Carsten, as you’ve seen, is a…

Cutting-edge mobility tech is changing aviation


    Thank you very much for that nice introduction for, indeed, what is my first visit to ESMT and I must say, and I said this to my neighbor, Dr. Zetsche, this is quite a different Audimax than the…

How to make firms disclose environmental violations


Professor Peng Sun found offering rewards to firms on a decreasing scale between inspections is the most efficient way of uncovering environmental violations. The proposal solves problems with…

If all you have is a hammer... natural language processing in financial markets


Regulatory innovations in the area of financial and non-financial reporting require corporations to provide rich information not only on their financial activities but also on their corporate…

Death defying decisions


The Democratic Republic of Congo is facing one of the greatest health crises of its history. In August of this year, its Ministry of Health declared a new outbreak of the Ebola virus; in November, a…

How mobility of R&D workers opens new avenues


On the one hand, inventor mobility has been shown to have a positive effect on overall innovative activity. On the aggregate level, the fast development of new technologies in regional clusters such…

Tackling the challenges of EU financial integration


Goods, services, people, and capital were envisioned to move freely across EU countries. The substantial contribution of the SM to growth and prosperity in Europe since then is undisputed. Today, the…

German-Chinese M&As: less emotion, more reason


On the heels of a euphoric phase over new money from the Far East followed the fear phase of a “sellout” of German technology. Both are uncalled for. Successful (and less successful) examples of…

How to make crowdfunding work in Europe


With an aggregate amount of almost €50 billion raised worldwide between 2010 and 2017, crowdfunding has attracted increasing economic, political and regulatory attention on the international level…

Beyond “bad apples” and “crooked executives”


Large-scale corporate scandals continue making front-page news. The last 12 months have seen reports of software manipulation by two automakers, allegations of contribution to money laundering at…