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ESMT Berlin style guide and assets


On this page, you can find everything you need to correctly use our brand assets. Use this link to download versions of our logo; please refer to the style guide below for detailed instructions.



ESMT offers a very collegial and international environment with employees from more than 35 different countries.

International experience options


The full-time MBA program from ESMT Berlin is a truly international MBA, attracting one of the world’s most diverse classes, with 90-95% of students coming from outside of Germany, spanning over 30…

ESMT Berlin: New index shows increasing bureaucracy in Germany


Although the bureaucracy cost index was at a historic low in September 2023, suggesting a reduction in the bureaucratic burden on companies, the newly developed bureaucracy index by Stefan Wagner,…

Simone Menne takes on "loyal women and winning men" in management


Simone Menne is a German top manager and a prominent advocate for women's leadership in the executive suite. For five of her 27 years at Lufthansa AG, Menne served as the company's CFO. Today, she is…