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The Master programs at ESMT educate students in business applications, emphasizing an interdisciplinary link between business and technology. Throughout your program, you gain helpful insights into…

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Executive Education

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Executive Education

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Leadership & governance


"Our mission at ESMT Berlin is to develop entrepreneurial leaders who think globally and act responsibly. Responsible leaders who make a difference have the courage to make difficult decisions, take…

Führung & Governance


"Unsere Mission an der ESMT Berlin ist es, unternehmerische Führungskräfte zu entwickeln, die global denken und verantwortungsbewusst handeln. Verantwortungsvolle Führungskräfte, die etwas bewegen,…

Shaping Cybersecurity Conference 2024

Faculty & Research

The Shaping Cybersecurity Conference 2024, co-organized by the German Federal Foreign Office (AA), the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH) and the Digital Society Institute (DSI)…