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Disinformation as a Means of Hybrid Warfare

Faculty & Research

"We're not just fighting an epidemic; we're fighting an infodemic. Fake news spreads faster and more easily than this virus, and is just as dangerous." With these words, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,…

Beyond ChatGPT: Al, startups, and future opportunities


Yet, as reported in the Financial Times in 2019, the London-based venture capital firm MMC Ventures found no evidence that Al was an important part of the products offered by 40 percent of Europe's 2…

Inside China’s cyber system – China’s cybersecurity landscape

Faculty & Research

China aims to become a "cyber superpower" and a technology leader. To achieve these strategic goals, the policy priority given to digital technology has increased significantly since 2012, and a…

At a loss with biodiversity loss?


Bees are major pollinators of food crops. Their extinction would threaten the earth’s ecosystem, and food chains upon which we all depend. Many of us already know this since bees have the dubious…

How to navigate the new landscape of executive education


The demand for high-quality leadership development has risen dramatically, leading to a shift in the way that executive education programs are delivered. Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all, face…

Reinforcing work culture in the home office


Various aspects of work culture may be seen as great or horrible by different employees, because of the different objectives they have as part of their membership in the organization. However, the…

Remote leadership, tailored to fit


Johanna was staring at her own face on the videoconference screen. She was alone – alone in her home office and alone in the virtual meeting space. The meeting she led ended a couple of minutes ago;…

Innovation pathways for luxury brands – evolution or reinvention?


Product extensions, store network expansion, entering growth markets – especially China and digital commerce – have been the drivers of the last years. Business cycles? There were some downturns…

Corona crisis lessons for leaders in the digital economy


Many small and mid-sized German companies, for instance—previously sluggish and unconvinced of digital progress—were forced to digitalize. Those that had already invested in digital gained a…

What’s next after corona?


Investors are worried about the loss of revenue that companies will face and whether their cash reserves will be sufficient to survive the crisis. A look at the analyst conferences of the German…