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ESMT Institute for Sustainable Transformation

Faculty & Research

Founded in February 2024, the ESMT Institute for Sustainable Transformation (IST) supports businesses in accelerating their sustainable transformations. With a robust agenda in sustainability…

Climate Governance Initiative Germany

Faculty & Research

Collaborative efforts are being made to equip board members with the necessary awareness, skills, and tools to embed environmental considerations into decision-making processes and foster long-term…

Individuals less likely to evaluate peers negatively if facing evaluation themselves


Linus Dahlander, professor of strategy and Lufthansa Group Chair of Innovation at ESMT Berlin, alongside colleagues from Purdue University and INSEAD, investigated the impact of peer evaluations on…

Einzelpersonen bewerten Kolleginnen und Kollegen seltener negativ, wenn sie selbst bewertet werden


Linus Dahlander, Professor of Strategy und Inhaber des Lufthansa Group Chair of Innovation an der ESMT Berlin, untersuchte zusammen mit Kollegen von der Purdue University und INSEAD die Auswirkungen…

Faculty & research positions

Faculty & Research

At ESMT Berlin, we believe in the power of innovative research and teaching to shape the future of business and society. As a leading international business school, we are committed to fostering a…