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Shaping Cybersecurity Conference 2024

Faculty & Research

The Shaping Cybersecurity Conference 2024, co-organized by the German Federal Foreign Office (AA), the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH) and the Digital Society Institute (DSI)…

ESMT Open Lectures


The ESMT Open Lectures showcase speakers, who through their achievements and expertise are recognized leaders in their fields. The lectures cover a wide spectrum of fields ranging from business,…

ESMT Open Lectures


Die ESMT Open Lectures ist eine Veranstaltungsreihe mit Rednern und Rednerinnen, die aufgrund ihrer Erfolge und ihrer Kompetenz als Experten und Expertinnen auf ihrem Feld gelten. Die ESMT Open…

Full-time MBA scholarships


ESMT’s MBA scholarships have been designed to help you make your international business career a reality. With more than 32 scholarships on offer, outstanding MBA applicants are welcome at ESMT…