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Educational leave (Bildungsurlaub)

Executive Education

The German state has recognized the importance of lifelong learning by launching an opportunity for so-called "educational leave" (in German: Bildungsurlaub). During this additional time off work -…

Study loans and other sources of funding


Study loans An ESMT degree is an excellent investment into your future. Nevertheless, financing your studies is not always an easy endeavor. To cover the gap between potential scholarships and…



The Master programs at ESMT educate students in business applications, emphasizing an interdisciplinary link between business and technology. Throughout your program, you gain helpful insights into…

MIM employment report


Discover how our latest MIM graduates have fared in the job market.

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Executive Education

Discover more about ESMT Executive Education.

Frankfurt Declaration: Together for Biological Diversity


Biodiversity – the variety of life from genes to species to habitat diversity – provides humans with vital ecosystem services. Nature supplies food and raw materials; regulates the climate, material…