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Finanzen für Executives

Executive Education

In their quarterly hustle to meet the numbers, managers rarely take the time to step back and consider how these numbers relate to the big picture or how their decisions and performance actually add…

Data Analytics

Executive Education

 This is a self-paced online program. Start at any time. Finish within 6 months. A successful business is a data-driven business. We are all aware of the power of analytics to drive growth and…

Solid Growth - Erfolgreich Geschäftsstrategien entwickeln

Executive Education

Being an effective strategist requires a broad set of skills so that you can identify the right course of action and communicate it impactfully. Solid Growth – Winning with Business Strategies will…

Senior Management Program

Executive Education

Joint program with:If you are a senior executive in a general management or C-suite position, your ability to navigate your organization through the challenges of the market demands that you take the…

AI for Managers

Executive Education

Joint program with:AI is reshaping the world of business and opening up new horizons for value creation. As AI applications become more integrated into our everyday lives, there are ever increasing…

Leading Sustainable Business Transformation

Executive Education

In today's conscientious consumer and investor landscape, sustainability is a game-changer. It's no longer confined to specialized departments but woven into the fabric of successful organizations. …

Global Unicorn Program in Deep Tech

Executive Education

Joint program withThe Global Unicorn Program in Deep Tech will help you tackle the challenges of growing, scaling, internationalizing and exiting deep tech ventures. Additionally, it will prepare you…

Young Physician Leaders

Executive Education

Young Physician Leaders is designed to develop the leadership talent of an international group of young, promising healthcare and public health professionals. Launched in 2011 by the InterAcademy…

Design Thinking and Corporate Change

Executive Education

Design Thinking is one of the world‘s most popular methods of establishing a dynamic, customer-focused and goal-oriented innovation culture within the organization – for start-ups, SMEs and large…

Persuasion, Power, and Politics

Executive Education

Refine your persuasion skills, discover effective strategies to navigate organizational dynamics, and understand the psychology of influence. This course is tailored for those aspiring to maximize…