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Publication records

Magazine article

Strengthen digital strategy in the public sector

Today's General Counsel 16 (4): 36–38
Martin Schallbruch (2019)
Information technology and systems; Technology, R&D management
Cybersecurity, digital strategy
Journal Pages
Online article

Three lessons leaders can learn from Don Quixote about strategizing

Chengwei Liu (2019)
Human resources management/organizational behavior; Strategy and general management
ISSN (Print)
DSI Industrial & Policy Recommendations Series (IPR)

Europas dritter Weg im Cyberraum [Europe's third way in cyberspace]

DSI Industrial & Policy Recommendations Series (IPR)
Annegret Bendiek, Martin Schallbruch (2019)
Economics, politics and business environment; Information technology and systems; Technology, R&D management
cybersecurity, digital sovereignty
Cybersicherheit ist für Europa zu einer Schlüsselfrage der globalen digitalen Transformation geworden. Mit dem Cybersecurity Act, also der Cybersicherheitsverordnung, hat die EU einen rechtlichen Rahmen mit dem Anspruch globaler Ausstrahlung vorgelegt. Eingebettet in eine Politik, die digitale Souveränität mit strategischer Verflechtung kombiniert, kann die Verordnung das Tor zu einem dritten Weg Europas im Cyberraum sein, der zwischen dem US-amerikanischen Modell der Marktfreiheit und dem chinesischen Modell des autori- tären Staatskapitalismus verläuft. Der Cybersecurity Act wird verbindlicher Handlungsrahmen und Rückenwind für die bundesdeutsche Cybersicherheitspolitik sein.
Online article

Dreaming up a world: How luxury brands create desire

Hannes Gurzki (2019)
Luxury, branding
ISSN (Print)
Practitioner magazine article

Losing employees to a rival company can have an upside

HR Magazine
Human resources management/organizational behavior; Strategy and general management; Technology, R&D management
innovation, HR, inventor mobility, alliance formation
While losing a valuable employee to competition shouldn't be celebrated, it does provide an opportunity for innovation and collaboration
© copyright Mark Allen Group 2019
Online article

How can the public sector overcome its ‘digital weakness'
Martin Schallbruch (2019)
Digital strategy, government, digital law, digital infrastrucure
Today’s digital strategy of governments worldwide is failing. The result is a weakening of government functions in the digital sphere – with risks for democracy and freedom. Digital innovation on a society-wide scale will only be effective if governments adopt stronger digital strategies. Key issues are a principle-oriented, less-specific digital regulation, bigger government’s spendings for digital infrastructures, a greater autonomy of state and local governments, and the establishment of a ‚Ministry for Digital Affairs“.

The public sector's weak digital strategy is threatening society: How can this be changed?

Data Protection Magazine
Martin Schallbruch (2019)
Information technology and systems; Technology, R&D management
Digital strategy, government reform, digital law, digital infrastrucure
Digital innovation can be extremely beneficial to citizens. However, current digital strategies of governments are not strong enough to ensure that digital innovation is not a threat to society – but, only a benefit. Digital innovation will only be effective if governments adopt strong digital strategies. Key issues are a less-specific digital regulation, a greater government’s investment in digital infrastructures, a higher flexibility for local governments, and a strengthening of digital policy leadership within governments.
Online article

Alleged voter fraud: The most dangerous lie

Heinrich Boell Foundation
Henning Christian Lahmann (2019)
international human rights, right to vote, voter fraud, disinformation, authoritarianism

The great anti-China tech alliance

Foreign Policy
Andrew Grotto, Martin Schallbruch (2019)
Information technology and systems; Technology, R&D management
China, privacy, cybersecurity, transatlantic relationship
China, Europe, and the United States are competing over whose image will be most reflected in rules and normst hat define digital markets. Regulatory measures such as Europe’s GDPR and China’s Cybersecurity Law combine privacy, security, and safety regulation. Driving factors are security policy as well as industry and trade policy. With China pulling into the pole position in the digital technology race, it is time for the United States and Europe to forge a digital governance alliance

A new competition framework for the digital economy

Report by the Commission ‘Competition Law 4.0’
Martin Schallbruch, Heike Schweizer, Achim Wambach (2019)
Information technology and systems; Technology, R&D management
Competition law, antitrust law, digital platforms, data access
The Commission “‘Competition Law 4.0’” was set up by the German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy with the task to draw up recommendations for the further development of EU competition law in the light of the digital economy. The final report with 22 recommendations was handed over in September 2019.
The commission finds that the practical and actual power of consumers to dispose of their own data must be improved, clear rules of conduct for dominant platforms must be introduced, legal certainty for cooperation in the digital sector must be enhanced, and the institutional linkage between competition law and other digital regulation must be strengthened.