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ESMT Berlin Graduation Ceremony

ESMT Berlin master’s programs: practical relevance much higher than national average

September 23, 2019 | Press information
ESMT Berlin master’s programs scored more than 25 percent higher than the national average in practical relevance of studies, according to the National Graduate Panel.
Clean the Spree

"Clean-Up im Treptower Park"

September 23, 2019
ESMT students of the school's Net Impact chapter organized a cleaning event in the Treptower Park and Spree river on the "World Cleanup Day" on Saturday, as reported by Der Tagesspiegel.
Der Tagesspiegel Logo

"Ökonomen aus Berlin für die Welt"

September 20, 2019
Der Tagesspiegel reports on the kick-off event of the Berlin Business School (BSE), in which ESMT is one of the partners. The BSE combines the PhD and postdoctoral programs of eight universities and research instutions in Berlin.

ESMT Berlin welcomes largest and most international Master’s in Management class

September 20, 2019 | Press information
ESMT Berlin welcomes 112 new students representing 40 different nationalities to the current Master’s in Management (MIM) program.

"Why I Chose To Do My MBA In Germany"

September 20, 2019
ESMT MBA student Bianca Simões recorded a selfie video for BusinessBecause.
ESMT MBA students

Forbes ranks ESMT Berlin MBA in top 10

September 18, 2019 | Press information
ESMT Berlin placed 10th among non-US business schools and 17th globally in the Best Business Schools 2019 ranking by Forbes.

"The Great Anti-China Tech Alliance"

September 16, 2019
Martin Schallbruch co-authored an article in Foreign Policy on global cybersecurity alliances.
BILD logo

"Brexit-Kampagne der Hardliner ist wie ein 'Dschihad'"

September 14, 2019 reports on Lord Patten's criticism of the conservative party that he expressed in his ESMT Open Lecture on Brexit.
Lord Chris Patten

"Ehemaliger EU-Kommissar Chris Patten warnt vor neuer Gewalt in Nordirland"

September 13, 2019
Handelsblatt reports on the ESMT Open Lecture with Lord Chris Patten on the topics of Brexit and Hong Kong (metered paywall).
Lord Chris Patten

"Lord Patten warnt vor einem harten Brexit"

September 13, 2019
An RBB Inforadio broadcast highlighted Lord Chris Patten's comments on Brexit that he made in his ESMT Open Lecture.
Die Welt Logo

"Die Chinesen spielen nach völlig anderen Regeln"

September 12, 2019
At his ESMT Open Lecture, Lord Chris Patten commented on the current situation in Hong Kong, as covered by die Welt (metered paywall).

"Europa und die USA müssen gemeinsam für Cybersicherheit sorgen"

September 11, 2019
Martin Schallbruch co-wrote an article on transatlantic cybersecurity rules, published in Handelsblatt.
Logo Handelsblatt

"Regierungskommission für stärkere Rechte von Verbrauchern"

September 10, 2019
Handelsblatt reports on the proposal to strengthen the role of consumers as part of adapting competition laws for digitalization, mentioning Martin Schallbruch.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung

"Berlin fordert ein schärferes Wettbewerbsrecht für Google und Co."

September 10, 2019
Martin Schallbruch is mentioned in Neue Zürcher Zeitung for advising on the adaptation of competition laws for digitalization.