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"Webinar: Master's in Management overview"

April 8, 2020 | ESMT Blog
Laurence Wilson discusses ESMT Berlin, our Master's in Management program, career services offered, and our admission requirements.

"Das ist totalitär, aber es war auch sehr effektiv"

April 7, 2020 | Welt
Sandro Gaycken, director of the Digital Society Institute (DSI) at ESMT, is interviewed on how tracking mobile phones can be used to reduce the spread of coronavirus (metered paywall).

"Webinar: What can the Master’s in Management do for your career?"

April 7, 2020 | ESMT Blog
ESMT careers manager, Ronja Fink, discusses the benefits of a Master’s in Management for your career.
Der Tagesspiegel Logo

"Lockdown ja - aber nur für Gefährder!"

April 6, 2020 | Der Tagesspiegel
Martin Schallbruch, deputy director of the Digital Society Institute (DSI) at ESMT, on how face masks and a smartphone app can help to ease the coronavirus lockdown.
Nick Barniville, ESMT

"How the Part-time MBA benefits you, your company, and your career"

April 2, 2020 | ESMT Blog
Nick Barniville, associate dean of degree programs and director of the EdTech lab, discusses the ESMT Part-time MBA program.
Forbes Logo

"How The Freelance Community Can Save Your Business"

March 31, 2020 | Forbes
Mandy Hübener, program director at ESMT, gives advice on the advantages of remote work, including the hiring of freelancers, can bring tech businesses during the coronavirus crisis.
YuJean with her daughter

"Working, studying, and parenting – the coronavirus balancing act"

March 31, 2020 | ESMT BLOG
YuJean Chng, full-time MBA 2020, shares her experience of working, studying, and parenting during the coronavirus crisis.

"A Wake-up Call for the Corporate World"

March 29, 2020 | The European Business Review
Jens Weinmann and Christoph Burger of ESMT co-autored an article about how opportunities in the decentralized energy market can be good for the planet and business.
BidEd Logo

"Online Overnight"

March 27, 2020 | BizEd
Nick Barniville, associate dean of degree programs at ESMT, is quoted on how business schools deal with remote teaching in the current crisis.
Stefan Wagner, ESMT

"Tips from industry players on how FinTechs can survive through the coronavirus pandemic"

March 26, 2020 | Fintech Global
Stefan Wagner, associate professor of strategy at ESMT, is quoted on how FinTechs should deal with the current crisis.
Book on wooden shelf

"10 books for self-improvement & motivation during the corona crisis"

March 26, 2020 | ESMT Blog
The corona crisis has provided everyone with more free time. Tomek Nowobliski, ESMT MBA 2020, shares his top 10 self-improvement book recommendations.

Guiding through Corona – the 2020 outlook of German firms

March 25, 2020 | Right on the money
COVID-19 hit globally, turning not just stock markets upside down, but also firms’ plans and outlooks for 2020. Maximilian Müller looks at the 2020 outlooks now.
Financial Times Logo

"How remote study is changing business school life"

March 25, 2020 | Financial Times
ESMT Master's in Management student Sören Tesdorpf is quoted on how he and his classmates deal with the current situation and found ways to contribute to society (metered paywall).

"What, why, how: Women’s Leadership Excellence 2020"

March 24, 2020 | ESMT Blog
Executive education participant Helen Leitner shares her experience and learnings after completing the ESMT Women’s Leadership Excellence Program.
Global Network for Advanced Managment

"The Economic Impact of COVID-19"

March 24, 2020 | Global Network for Advanced Management
ESMT President Jörg Rocholl took part in a virtual panel discussion on the economic impact of the coronavirus crisis.