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DigitalFuture Summit 2021 at ESMT Berlin: Leaders and students discuss digital future

July 8, 2021 | ESMT Press
The DigitalFuture Summit, hosted by Master in Management students, will take place July 8-9, 2021, at ESMT Berlin and offers executives from global companies and innovative startups, talented students, and experts from academia an assortment of discussion, networking opportunities, and future career possibilities.
Poets & Quants Logo

"MBAs To Watch: Class of 2021"

July 5, 2021 | Poets & Quants
ESMT alumni Clifford Curda and Diego Cammarano, MBA 2021, made it to Poet's & Quants "MBAs to Watch: Class of 2021."
Konstantin Korotov

"7 ways to bring company culture to the home office"

July 2, 2021 | People Matters
With the abrupt movement to remote hiring and socialization, online-only interactions have become the new reality for many employees, explains Konstantin Korotov, professor at ESMT Berlin, in his article for People Matters.

"MBA 2022 takes on the MBA Tournament"

July 2, 2021 | ESMT Blog
Julie Rosenfeld, MBA 2022, reflects back on the highlights from the MBA Tournament 2021.

"To win with AI, focus on our humanity"

June 29, 2021 | Forbes
ESMT Prof. Francis de Véricourt explores how executives can leverage the power to win more with AI than with AI alone.
Martin Schweinsberg, ESMT Berlin

Crowdsourced research led by Martin Schweinsberg accepted for publication

June 29, 2021 | ESMT News
Martin Schweinsberg, professor at ESMT Berlin, led a crowdsourced research team involving nearly 180 co-authors to understand what drives decisions in data analyses. Their paper is forthcoming in OBHDP.

The study compares the analyses of different researchers who tested the same hypotheses on the same dataset. Analysts reported radically different analyses and dispersed empirical outcomes, including significant effects in opposite directions. Decisions about variable operationalizations explained variability in results beyond statistical choices (i.e. which analysis or covariates to use).

"Mehr als 100 Behörden erpresst"

June 29, 2021 | Tagesschau
Martin Schallbruch, director of the Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin, speaks with Tagesschau about uniform rules for states and municipalities and better coordination between the federal and state governments.
Matthew Bothner, ESMT Berlin

"Unternehmensverantwortung und CSR in der Krise – 3 Fragen an… Matthew Bothner"

June 28, 2021 | Forum Wirtschaftsethik
How is the importance of responsibility and CSR in companies changing in these times of uncertainty? Matthew Bothner, professor at ESMT Berlin, talks about this topic for the interview series "3 Fragen an ..."
FAZ Logo

"Deutschland, deine Bürokratie"

June 28, 2021 | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Martin Schallbruch, director of the Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin, talks about administration in Germany and why the state often gets in its own way.
Financial Times Logo

"Why humanity is an asset in an age of tech"

June 28, 2021 | Financial Times
An exploration of how ‘framing’ decisions by exploring our choices is a skill we can all deploy, based on the book "Framers", co-written by Francis de Véricourt, professor at ESMT Berlin.

"Breaking the cycle of poverty through global learning and social enterprise"

June 23, 2021 | ESMT Blog
David Núñez provides an insight into working with the Pulsera Project, a nonprofit organization tackling poverty and social injustice, for his Social Impact Project.
Konstantin Korotov

New paper by Konstantin Korotov published by Career Development International

June 22, 2021 | ESMT News
Career Development International has published research by Konstantin Korotov, ESMT professor of organizational behavior, titled "Executives and career shocks: observations from coaching practice."

The research is a qualitative analysis of managers' career shock experiences from executive coaching interventions. In its findings, it presents coaching as an opportunity to process emotional reactions, providing agency when responding to disruptive change.

"Online MBAs Prepare Students for Digital Leadership"

June 22, 2021 | Find MBA
ESMT Berlin's Online MBA program includes a new course focusing on leading global virtual teams, an online escape game, and an “Unmute!” project to prepare students for the new world of virtual work.
Chengwei Liu, ESMT Berlin

Two new papers by Chengwei Liu accepted for publication

June 22, 2021 | ESMT News
The journal article “The Variance of Variance”, co-written by ESMT professor Chengwei Liu, was nominated as a finalist for the 2021 Best Paper Award for Organization and Management Theory division. The paper will be included in the Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management 2021. In addition, his paper “In luck we trust: Capturing diversity bonus through random selection” is published in the Journal of Organization Design.

Both papers investigate the often overlooked role of luck in management and organizational design. "The variance of variance" promotes the applications of chance models to understand when luck is a better explanation for corporate successes, whereas "In luck we trust" explores how random selection may help capturing diversity bonuses within teams when blind luck trumps biased reasons.

Privacy-friendly AI for the public sector: Xayn and the Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin publish joint position paper

June 22, 2021 | ESMT Press
The Digital Society Institute (DSI) at ESMT Berlin and Xayn highlight the potential of a decentralized new approach to implement and futureproof governmental AI strategies and elaborate on potential use cases in the health sector and law enforcement.