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"Is GPA Important In MBA Admissions?"

January 25, 2022 | BusinessBecause
A low GPA won’t automatically get you rejected from an MBA program, explains Rebecca Loades, director career accelerator programs at ESMT.
Rebecca Loades

"How an Online MBA Leads to Career Reinvention"

January 24, 2022 | FIND MBA
When it comes to convincing employers, career-switchers should stress the benefits of the MBA, says Rebecca Loades, director career accelerator program at ESMT.
Shiyan Li standing in front of ESMT building

"A firsthand review of the ESMT Berlin MIM program, module 1"

January 21, 2022 | ESMT Blog
In an interview with ESMT Berlin, Shiyan Li, MIM 2023, provides an insight into what brought her to ESMT and what student life is like both inside and outside of the classroom.
Martin Schweinsberg, ESMT Berlin

"Don’t quit! Learn how to say no instead"

January 17, 2022 | I by IMD
Learning the right way to turn some requests at work down can help us stay in our jobs, as happier and more productive employees.
Jörg Rocholl

"Prof. Jörg Rocholl is the president of ESMT, Berlin on political corporate boards and firm value"

January 17, 2022 | Scientific Sense - YouTube
Do politically connected boards affect firm value? ESMT president Jörg Rocholl explores this question and other topics around his research with Gill Eapen.

"Prof. Jörg Rocholl im Interview"

January 14, 2022 | WELT Live-TV
Prof. Jörg Rocholl, president at ESMT, talks about the current economic situation in an interview with WELT.

"Understanding bias to make better (business) decisions in 2022"

January 14, 2022 | ESMT Blog
ESMT global online MBA student Douglas Souza explores how understanding bias can help to make better business decisions in 2022.
Full-time MBA 2023

ESMT Berlin welcomes newest intake of full-time MBA class

January 14, 2022 | ESMT Press
Welcome to 40 students from 21 different countries that have started their full-time MBA program at ESMT Berlin.

"govdigital ernennt Martin Schallbruch zum CEO"

January 14, 2022 | eGovernment Computing
Since January 2022, Martin Schallbruch, former director of the Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin, has been the new CEO of the nationwide cooperative govdigital.
Logo Handelsblatt

"Die EZB hat einen großen Nachteil gegenüber der Fed – und muss somit einen schwierigeren Balanceakt bewältigen"

January 13, 2022 | Handelsblatt
Inflation is reaching a record-high percentage globally and can also affect the European Union, according to Jörg Rocholl, president at ESMT.
Stefan Wagner

"Price discrimination of customers has limited profit impact in online industries"

January 10, 2022 | Wealth Tribune
Stefan Wagner, associate professor at ESMT, and colleagues releases new research on price discrimination and charging different customers different prices for the same goods.

"Keys to portfolio management: Commitment, emotional intelligence, and passion"

January 7, 2022 | ESMT Blog
Udayaraj Natarajan, MIM 2020, shares his experience of ESMT's Portfolio Management Program (PMP).

Price discrimination of customers has limited profit impact in online industries

January 6, 2022 | ESMT Press
Compared to an optimal uniform price, charging different customers at different prices in online markets has limited effects on profits, finds new research from ESMT Berlin.

„In der Tat ist die Inflationsentwicklung längeranhaltend und größer als erwartet“

January 6, 2022 | WELT Live-TV
Jörg Rocholl, President at ESMT, comments on the inflation rate in an interview with WELT.

"Admissions Q&A: Stephanie Kluth, ESMT Berlin"

January 4, 2022 | The Economist Education
Stephanie Kluth, director of the admissions office at ESMT, discusses what schools look for in an MBA candidate.