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Three new master’s programs at ESMT Berlin

May 16, 2022 | ESMT Press
Starting in September 2023, ESMT Berlin will offer three new master’s programs: Master in Global Management, Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Master in Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.
Stefan Wagner

"Patentschutz für Impfstoffe aussetzen? Experten fürchten den Präzedenzfall"

May 14, 2022 | Welt Online
Stefan Wagner , professor at ESMT, speaks about the global distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines and that the desire for a temporary suspension of exclusive rights is understandable.

ESMT is providing 3 x 50% scholarships for the Part-time MBA

May 13, 2022 | ESMT News
ESMT is supporting displaced persons from Ukraine with three 50% scholarships each for the ESMT Part-time MBA September 2022 intake. Refugees who have been forced to flee their home country will be given easier access to education and career prospects through the English-language MBA program. The aim is to enable people who are at such a critical stage in their lives to nevertheless be able to develop their professional skills.

The application criteria - in addition to the status of "war refugee from Ukraine" and Ukrainian citizenship or a residence permit in Ukraine - include the application requirements for the ESMT Part-time MBA as well as the alignment with our values, committing to one's own learning and development and being willing to help others on this journey.

"BMW Group Fellowships for Ukraine” - The BMW Group and ESMT Berlin are offering joint scholarships for female students who have fled Ukraine

May 13, 2022 | ESMT Press
With the joint program “BMW Group Fellowships for Ukraine”, the BMW Group and international business school ESMT Berlin are offering up to ten female refugees from Ukraine the opportunity to participate in the ESMT Global Online Master of Business Administration (MBA) at no cost.

"Student from German business school supports Kenyan meal-kit business"

May 11, 2022 | African Entertainment
Panucha Chatasing, MIM student at ESMT, chose to work with Antler, an early-stage global venture capital firm, as part of his Social Impact Project and is talking about his experiences.
Christoph Burger, ESMT

"Designing For Impact: A Results-driven Perspective For Executive Education"

May 6, 2022 | The European Business Review
Christoph Burger, senior lecturer at ESMT, and Nora Grasselli, program director at ESMT, explain why executive education must be seen as an investment.

"Master's Survival Kit 2022: 10 Things You Should Know Before Going To Business School"

May 4, 2022 | Business Because
Find out tips and tricks from current ESMT Berlin masters students to prepare you for business school in the Master's Survival Kit 2022.
Forbes Logo

"Four Questions Corporate Executives Must Answer Before Deglobalization"

May 2, 2022 | Forbes
Olaf Plötner, professor at ESMT, Bianca Schmitz, director of leadership development programs at ESMT, and co-authors elaborate on current buzzwords, such as decoupling, resilience, and corporate regionalization that are starting to surface in corporate boardrooms, and advise on reimagining corporate processes and structures accordingly.
Poets & Quants Logo

"2022 Best & Brightest MBA: Victoire Ferrari, ESMT Berlin"

May 1, 2022 | Poets & Quants
Victoire Ferrari, ESMT MBA student, nominated as one of the 100 best and brightest MBA graduates of 2022.
Poets & Quants Logo

"100 Best & Brightest MBAs: Class of 2022"

May 1, 2022 | Poets & Quants
ESMT Berlin nominated in the 100 Best & Brightest MBAs: Class of 2022, one of only 65 business schools represented in this year's nominations.

"Lockdowns might be history but online MBAs are here to stay"

April 26, 2022 | EMFD Global
ESMT Berlin harnesses the advantage of an online MBA, offering a specially designed program to be completed while students are working full-time and only requires a commitment of 15 hours per week.

"Ghanaian orphanage benefits from the support of business school students"

April 26, 2022 | African Entertainment
A group of ESMT Berlin MIM students supporting The Light Outreach and Shekinah Home in Ghana.

"Lucy Mutinda: Every opportunity is a chance for professional upskilling"

April 24, 2022 | Nation Africa
Lucy Mutinda, MBA student at ESMT, elaborates on her passion for wastewater recycling technology to protect the environment from sewer pollution.
Chengwei Liu, ESMT Berlin

"Glück ist der am meisten unterschätzte Karriere-Faktor"

April 22, 2022 | Sheconomy
Chengwei Liu, associate professor at ESMT, is convinced that companies could advance their diversity if they cleverly use the principle of chance in their selection processes.
Nick Barniville, ESMT

"Why helping refugees makes economic sense"

April 21, 2022 | The European
Nick Barniville, director of the EdTech Lab at ESMT and mentor at BeginnerLuft, talks about challenges and rewards of mentorship opportunities.