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"How business schools bolster the healthcare sector"

August 24, 2022 | EFMD Global
The first Creative Destruction Lab (CDL) in Germany will launch at ESMT Berlin with a health program stream, which aims to greatly improve health by engaging founders working at the leading edge of life sciences.

"Picking a specialised Master’s degree at business school rather than an MBA"

August 22, 2022 | EFMD Global
Roland Siegers, director of Early Careers Programs at ESMT Berlin, talks with EFMD Global about how master's programs improve gender parity and ensure more women are getting into management positions.

"MBA student working with social impact project in Brazil"

August 21, 2022 | MBA International Business
Su Bulingzi, MBA student at ESMT Berlin, talks about her experience as a part of Vaga Lume, an NGO specializing in children’s education in Brazil with MBA International Business.
Rebecca Loades

"Online MBAs Overtake On-Campus Programs"

August 11, 2022 | Find MBA Online
Find MBA Online quotes Rebecca Loades, director of Career Accelerator Programs at ESMT Berlin, in their article on the recent shift towards online MBA offers.

"Finding The Right Wall For Your Career Ladder At Business School"

August 8, 2022 | Forbes
Roland Siegers, director of Early Careers Programs at ESMT Berlin, talks about career opportunities for Master's programs graduates with Forbes.
Rebecca Loades

"How to write powerful MBA essays that actually work"

August 8, 2022 | MBA Crystal Ball
Rebecca Loades, director of Career Accelerator Programs at ESMT Berlin, shares the top 5 common MBA essay mistakes with MBA Crystal Ball and gives advice on how to avoid them.

"Start-ups made in Germany: Diese Business-Schools bringen erfolgreiche Gründer hervor"

August 6, 2022 | Handelsblatt
Roland Siegers, director of Early Careers Programs at ESMT Berlin, speaks about the entrepreneurship approach and ESMT's new master's programs in his interview with Handelsblatt.

"2021 Winter Guide To The World’s Top MBA Options"

August 5, 2022 | Poets & Quants
Gabriela Rodrigues, ESMT MBA alumna, and Nick Barniville, former director of the EdTech Lab at ESMT Berlin, join a panel discussion with Poets & Quants on ESMT MBA programs.

"2021 Fall Guide To The Best Business Master’s Experiences"

August 5, 2022 | Poets & Quants
Marcel Kalis, director of Career Services at ESMT Berlin, and Roland Siegers, director of Early Careers Programs at ESMT, talk about ESMT masters programs in a panel discussion with Poets & Quants.
Francis de Vericourt

"Framing Is Vital For Survival. Kenneth Cukier and Francis de Véricourt"

August 5, 2022 | How Do We Fix It?
Francis de Véricourt, a professor at ESMT, and his co-author discuss their new book "Framers", how we are all influenced by our personal perspectives, and how we can use mental models to see patterns, solve problems, and go beyond a narrow lens of "us" vs. "them."
The Economist Logo

"The five best books to understand AI"

August 4, 2022 | The Economist
"Framers", written by ESMT professor Francis de Véricourt and colleagues, made it on the summer reading list of the Economist.

"Talented STEM Scholars Collaborate on Engageli"

August 3, 2022 | NewsGhana
NewsGhana reports on Engagily’s and Industry Immersion Africa's collaboration to enable STEM graduates to become industrial innovators and entrepreneurs using the competencies of ESMT Berlin.

ESMT Berlin welcomes Nazlı Sönmez to faculty

August 1, 2022 | ESMT Press
As of August 1, 2022, Nazlı Sönmez has joined the faculty of ESMT Berlin as an assistant professor of management science.

"Hätte man das nicht vorher wissen können?"

July 31, 2022 | Golem
In his article for Golem, Nils Wehkamp, a researcher at the Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin, talks about the similarities between legal texts and programming and their differences in practice.
Stefan Wagner

"Der Neid der Erfolglosen"

July 29, 2022 | WirtschaftsWoche
Wirtschaftswoche quotes Stefan Wagner, professor at ESMT, in their article on vaccine manufacturers suing each other for alleged patent infringement.