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"Financial Times 2023 MBA Ranking: The Biggest Bombshell Is Wharton’s Disappearance"

February 12, 2023 | Poets&Quants
ESMT Berlin did not meet the participation criteria for Financial Times MBA Ranking because the school made a strategic decision to extend the full-time MBA program to 14 months to improve the experience and opportunities for students, reports Poets&Quants.

"Culture eats strategy for breakfast"

February 9, 2023 | ESMT Blog
Annette Dési shares her experience of the Bringing Technology to Market program and how it helped her take innovation to the next level.
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"Der falsche Ruf nach immer mehr Geld"

February 9, 2023 | Handelsblatt
Instead of the continued expansion of state resources, we need a European economic policy with a long-term focus, analyzes Jörg Rocholl, president of ESMT.

"Top European Business Schools Partner With Microsoft On New Sustainability Competition For Students"

February 8, 2023 | BusinessBecause
ESMT Berlin and other European Business Schools have partnered with Microsoft Italia to launch a competition amongst students to propose innovative solutions to UN sustainability goals. Baris Efe, a co-founder of Vali Berlin at ESMT, says this collaboration will help students to learn entrepreneurial thinking, develop innovative creativity, and build their own networks.

ESMT Berlin becomes part of the Maschinenraum network

February 8, 2023 | ESMT Press
ESMT Berlin will become part of Maschinenraum, joining an alliance of over 60 family-owned companies, university partners, and other innovators working together on the digital transformation of German SMEs. At the heart of the collaboration with ESMT Berlin is a multi-layered exchange between academia and business.

Being a broker at work leads to burnout and abuse, finds new research from ESMT Berlin

February 7, 2023 | ESMT Press
Employees who act as brokers, i.e., they sustain communications between coworkers who do not communicate directly, are more likely to burn out and become abusive towards their co-workers, according to new research from ESMT Berlin.
Raji Jayaraman

"At A Loss With Biodiversity Loss?"

February 6, 2023 | 3 Quarks Daily
Raji Jayaraman, professor at ESMT Berlin, writes an article about the consequences of declines in biodiversity and suggests ways to tackle the problem of the loss of biodiversity.
Stefan Wagner

"Microsofts Produktbündelung verursacht wirtschaftliche Schäden"

February 3, 2023 |
Stefan Wagner, professor at ESMT Berlin, and researchers from the Frankfurt School of Finance find out that software and cloud bundles practice can lead to higher product prices, less choice and innovation, and poorer product quality.

TEDx conference on sustainable transformation at ESMT Berlin

February 3, 2023 | ESMT News
On Saturday, February 4, 2023, ESMT Berlin students will host an independent TEDx conference for the third time. This year’s theme is “Berlin: A driver of sustainable transformation?”.
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"What Does Generation Z Want In A Job? This Study Has Answers"

January 30, 2023 | Poets & Quants
Research by ESMT Masters alumnus Jan Malte Jeddeloh, shows the impact of the pandemic on employees' expectations of their employment and treatment at the company. It also highlights the new values and patterns of behavior Generation Z is bringing to the job market.
Sophie Schaefer, ESMT Berlin

"Ready to Switch Careers? How an Online MBA Can Help"

January 27, 2023 | Find MBA Online
Sophie Schaefer, deputy director of career services at ESMT Berlin, talks about the benefits ESMT online programs offer to students. Amongst them is the ability to learn from professionals from all industries, backgrounds, and from all over the world.

"Umgestalter der deutschen Stahlindustrie"

January 26, 2023 | Deutschlandfunk
Gerhard Cromme, the first supervisory board chair of ESMT Berlin, talks about his life, career path and interest in start-ups in an interview with Deutschlandfunk.

"What the average 29-year-old business school student really wants out of a job, according to a survey across 72 countries"

January 26, 2023 | Fortune
Jan Malte Jeddeloh, a Master of Management student at ESMT Berlin, conducted research on the important factors for young people when choosing an employer. Alongside with classic work attributes, Generation Z also considers an opportunity to work remotely, work-life balance, transparency in a job posting, and employer's propositions around social and sustainability issues as significant factors when choosing an employer.
Isabel Skierka, ESMT

"US, German authorities block 'Hive' ransomware website"

January 26, 2023 | Deutsche Welle
Isabel Skierka, the program lead for technology politics and a researcher with the Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin, explains how the 'Hive' ransomware group works and how the authorities shut them down.
Rebecca Loades

"Why MBA Rankings are Coming Under Fire"

January 25, 2023 | Find MBA
Rebecca Loades, director of MBA programs at ESMT Berlin, says that some MBA rankings over-emphasize the salaries when the MBA programs also offer opportunities and ways to transform life and income for students. However, she claims that MBA rankings are unlikely to go away.