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"Die neue grüne Betriebswirtschaft"

December 19, 2022 | WirtschaftsWoche
The WirtschaftsWoche ranking about economists and their research records is mentioning several ESMT faculty members for their achievements in the global top 250.
Forbes Logo

"HR Teams Can (and Should) Use AI To Predict Employee Burnout"

December 19, 2022 | Forbes
Eric Quintane, professor at ESMT, explains in his article for Forbes the risks and damages of employee burnout.

New study at ESMT Berlin shows what next generation expects from employers

December 13, 2022 | ESMT Press
The pandemic changed the demands on employers. Topics such as flexible working and work-life balance are among the most important attributes for the new generation when choosing their future employer, shows a recent study by ESMT Berlin Master of Management graduate Jan Malte Jeddeloh.
Spiegel Logo

"Warum wir uns im Job mit den falschen Leuten umgeben"

December 8, 2022 | Der Spiegel
Gianluca Carnabuci and Eric Quintane give an interview to Der Spiegel about their research on professional relationships and how they affect our work performance.

"From a warzone to studying an MBA in Germany"

December 8, 2022 | Study International
Kateryna Nadtochiy, Global Online MBA student at ESMT Berlin, is one of the winners of BMW Group Fellowships for Ukraine. This fellowship gave her an opportunity to study in Global Online MBA program at ESMT Berlin for free. In an interview with Study International, Kateryna shares her experience in Germany and at ESMT Berlin.
Logo Handelsblatt

"Europas Unternehmen stärken"

December 8, 2022 | Handelsblatt
We need a more efficient EU domestic market, not a new transatlantic trade conflict, analyzes Jörg Rocholl, president of ESMT, in his article.

"Stoppt der UN-Biodiversitätgipfel den rapiden Verlust der Natur?"

December 7, 2022 | Deutsche Welle
Jörg Rocholl, President of ESMT Berlin, is quoted in a Deutsche Welle's article about UN Biodiversity Summit, saying that the climate crisis has been researched better than biodiversity loss, and calls to catch up on scientific research.
Jörg Rocholl, ESMT Berlin

"Damit es auch morgen noch kreucht und fleucht – wie wir die Artenvielfalt erhalten können"

December 7, 2022 | Hessischer Rundfunk
The 15th UN World Conference on Nature is taking place in Montreal and the main point of discussion is biological diversity. Jörg Rocholl, president of ESMT, talks about its importance in a new episode of "Der Tag. Ein Thema, viele Perspektiven" podcast on Hessischer Rundfunk.

ESMT Berlin: Jörg Rocholl elected chair of the advisory board to the German Federal Ministry of Finance

December 7, 2022 | ESMT Press
As of January 1, 2023, Prof. Jörg Rocholl, PhD, president of ESMT Berlin, will chair the advisory board to the German Federal Ministry of Finance for two years.

"Start der Weltnaturschutzkonferenz in Montreal: Darum geht es"

December 7, 2022 | Handelsblatt
Jörg Rocholl, President of ESMT Berlin, says that biodiversity is a decisive prerequisite of the global economic system and calls for more serious treatment of the loss of biodiversity.

"MBA skills in practice: Empowering innovation and sustainability in Indonesia"

December 6, 2022 | ESMT Blog
Anurag Kumar, MBA 2022 details his experience of the Responsible Leaders Fellowship and how the "learnings, exposure, and insights are unparallel from any classroom experience."
Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar

"Cyber attack insights Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar, Director of the Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin"

December 6, 2022 | The Irish Tech News Podcast
Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar, the director of the Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin, talks to The Irish Tech News Podcast about her background, cyber-attack definitions and response, the Estonian cyber-attack in 2007, and more.

"European Business School Rankings 2022"

December 4, 2022 | Financial Times
ESMT Berlin ranked #8 in Financial Times European Business School Rankings 2022.
This is a photo of Monica Perez, ESMT Berlin.

"„Die Grenzen der Kollegin sollten gesehen und nicht überschritten werden“"

December 2, 2022 | Personalwirtschaft
Monica Perez, professor at ESMT Berlin, explains how employers can deal with unwanted sexual comments and jokes in the workspace in an interview with Personalwirtschaft.

Should you tell customers how long they’ll be queuing for this holiday season?

December 2, 2022 | ESMT Press
New research from ESMT Berlin finds that companies should partially hide information on how long the queue is if their products are highly popular and valuable. By doing that, researchers say, companies are likely to generate more customers in the queue. However, if a product is of low-demand and of low-value, the researchers suggest that companies should avoid hiding this information, as it is likely to have the opposite effect.