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Faculty and research

Invest in innovation
At ESMT, we foster a vibrant academic environment where research and teaching are interconnected, giving students direct access to new knowledge, and promoting a culture of innovation and lifelong learning.

Creating and sharing knowledge, and inspiring new ideas – for over twenty years, research at ESMT has been a major priority for the school’s strategic development. In today’s challenging economic and geopolitical landscape, our contribution of knowledge and discourse on important issues has never been more crucial. 


Chairs and professorships

Our faculty are the embodiment of ESMT’s mission. They are the mainsprings of discovery and innovation, and the fountains of inspiration and knowledge for our students. As leaders in their fields, our faculty make profound discoveries that catalyze change, teach students to be critical thinkers and lifelong learners, and act as a transformative force in the broader world.

At ESMT, our goal is to establish chairs and professorship that combine high-level research programs, knowledge dissemination, and teaching. These chairs and professorship are essential to expanding our international reach and allowing us to attract and retain professors whose teaching transforms students and whose work changes the world.

We are grateful for the generosity of these companies and individuals who have created academic positions at ESMT.