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Julia Langdon

Julia Langdon is new Volkswagen Group Junior Chair for Ethics and Diversity in Organizations

April 12, 2024
Julia Langdon, who joined ESMT as an assistant professor of organizational behavior in August 2023, has been appointed the Volkswagen Group Junior Chair for Ethics and Diversity in Organizations. The goal of the chair is to foster research on gender differences in career advancement, salaries, and entrepreneurial activities to identify opportunities to reduce inequalities in this area.
Georg Garlichs_News

"„Business as unusual“ in Mitte: Land Berlin vermietet exklusiv an Privathochschüler"

April 11, 2024 | Tagesspiegel
Georg Garlichs, chief financial officer and managing director at ESMT Berlin, officially received from WBM the symbolic keys to the new student housing apartments on Fischerinsel.
Henry Sauermann and Maximilan Koehler

"Mein Chef, der Algorithmus: KI übernimmt zunehmend Management-Aufgaben"

April 11, 2024 | Tagesspiegel
This article examines the possibility of AI taking over managerial roles and references research conducted by Maximilian Koehler, PhD candidate, and Henry Sauermann, professor of strategy at ESMT Berlin.
Professor Jörg Rocholl

"Die USA ändern ihre Ausrichtung – egal wer Präsident wird"

April 11, 2024 | Handelsblatt
Jörg Rocholl, president at ESMT, expresses his opinion in Handelsblatt on the global challenges Europe is facing given the upcoming US election and how the EU could improve its position.
The European Business Review_Logo

"Your workforce is crying out for sustainability skills. It’s time to skill up."

April 10, 2024 | The European Business Review
As companies face the dual challenge of meeting stakeholder expectations and addressing global sustainability issues, programs like ESMT’s Leading Sustainable Business Transformation offer a path forward.
Mandy Hübener, ESMT

"Innovative AI Applications for Education"

April 9, 2024 | AACSB
Mandy Hübener, program director, executive education program, at ESMT spoke with AACSB about extended AI and its usage for executive education at business schools.
A big amount of files on a desk.

ESMT Berlin: New index shows increasing bureaucracy in Germany

April 9, 2024 | ESMT Press
A recent study by Prof. Stefan Wagner from ESMT Berlin shows an increasing bureaucratization of Germany. The analysis, which was conducted in collaboration with the internet platform, testifies to a continuous increase in the volume of federal legislation in Germany and thus underpins the perception of increasing bureaucracy in Germany.
Stefan Wagner

"Ampel-Mythos Bürokratieabbau"

April 5, 2024 | Handelsblatt
Handelsblatt wrote an article about the Bürokratieindex, which Stefan Wagner, professor of strategy and director of PhD studies at ESMT Berlin, invented to demonstrate that the cost of German bureaucracy has not declined but increased.
This si a photo of Helene Pfeil

Sanction the use of cyberweapons, not the weapons themselves

April 5, 2024 | ESMT Press
A recent analysis by Helene Pleil, research associate at the Digital Society Institute (DSI) at ESMT Berlin, alongside colleagues from Technical University Darmstadt, outlines that rapid technological progress, a lack of political will and uniform definitions, as well as the dual use of cyber tools, are the main challenges facing effective cyber arms control which is vital for foreign and security policy. As cyberspace is increasingly used in conflicts, cyber arms control needs to be addressed as well.
Henry Sauermann and Maximilan Koehler

AI can take over key management roles in scientific research

April 2, 2024 | ESMT Press
New research from ESMT Berlin shows how AI can manage human participants in large-scale research projects, taking over functions such as task allocation, coordination, and motivation.
Digital Future Summit

ESMT Berlin students present DigitalFuture Summit 2024

March 28, 2024 | ESMT Press
This year’s DigitalFuture Summit (DFS), the annual networking event entirely organized by ESMT Berlin master’s students, will take place April 4-5 on campus in the center of Berlin. The event connects talented students and young professionals with potential future employers from around the world who are passionate about technology and innovation. Attendees gain direct insights from top industry leaders and experts and get the opportunity to expand their knowledge, develop new skills, and build valuable connections that can advance their career.
Matthew Bothner, ESMT Berlin

Firms with exclusive networks excel by 7% in market crises

March 28, 2024 | ESMT Press
Firms with exclusive brokerage positions in their collaboration networks outshine their counterparts by an average margin of more than 7% in crisis conditions, according to recent research conducted at ESMT Berlin. The competitive advantage of exclusive brokers stems from their capacity to adapt quickly, and on their own terms, when crisis erupts - unlike their peers trapped in more tightly-knit, constraining networks.
Linus Dahlander, ESMT

"Mit diesen Methoden werden Unternehmen innovativer"

March 27, 2024 | Springer Professional
The research of Linus Dahlander, professor at ESMT Berlin, is highlighted while investigating how companies can be enabled to become more innovative.

"iiAfrica elevates employability of STEM graduates across Africa"

March 27, 2024 | TheGuardian
With the initiative Ghana1000, ESMT is supporting STEAM graduates by providing academic content to iiAfrica, the aim is to recruit and train at least 1000 graduates.
Nora Grasselli

"If the corporate ladder is a thing of the past, what are leadership transitions today?"

March 25, 2024 | Forbes
Nora Grasselli, program director at ESMT Berlin, argues that in today's fast-evolving business landscape, traditional, linear career paths are giving way to non-linear, multidimensional journeys, requiring leaders to adapt across industries and cultures and organizations to shift strategies to support these complex transitions.