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ESMT Berlin welcomes Nazlı Sönmez to faculty

August 1, 2022 | ESMT Press
As of August 1, 2022, Nazlı Sönmez has joined the faculty of ESMT Berlin as an assistant professor of management science.

"Hätte man das nicht vorher wissen können?"

July 31, 2022 | Golem
In his article for Golem, Nils Wehkamp, a researcher at the Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin, talks about the similarities between legal texts and programming and their differences in practice.
Stefan Wagner

"Der Neid der Erfolglosen"

July 29, 2022 | WirtschaftsWoche
Wirtschaftswoche quotes Stefan Wagner, professor at ESMT, in their article on vaccine manufacturers suing each other for alleged patent infringement.

"The Global Online MBA – Berlin Experience Week"

July 26, 2022 | ESMT Blog
Earlier this month we were joined by 32 students from the Global Online MBA program on campus for the Berlin Experience Week. Seven students share their experiences.

"Top 10 Online MBAs for Switching Careers"

July 26, 2022 | Find MBA Online
Find MBA Online lists ESMT's Global Online MBA program as one of the top 10 programs for switching careers.
Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar

"Cyber Symposium – Diplomatic Considerations for Armed Attack"

July 26, 2022 | Lieber Institute Westpoint
In her article for Lieber Institute Westpoint, Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar, the Director of the Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin, writes about what constitutes an armed attack in cyberspace.

"How Hard is the GMAT Exam?"

July 26, 2022 |
Rowan Canter, an MBA student at ESMT Berlin, shares his experience in preparing for the GMAT exam.

"Why Do More MBAs Take The GMAT Vs GRE?"

July 25, 2022 | BusinessBecause
Stephanie Kluth, director of admissions at ESMT Berlin, talks with BusinessBecause about the importance of GMAT for business schools and MBAs.

"Die Ukraine ist auch im Cyberkrieg: Russland hat versucht, ukrainische Regierungsdaten zu löschen"

July 21, 2022 | RTL News
Sandro Gaycken, director of the Digital Society Institute (DSI) at ESMT, talks about how Ukraine is also in a cyberwar as Russia tries to access Ukrainian government data.
Chengwei Liu, ESMT Berlin

"The Case for Investing in Underdogs"

July 18, 2022 | Harvard Business Review
Chengwei Liu, associate professor at ESMT, and fellow authors discuss how investors often see a company’s initial success as evidence of superior capabilities.

"#AlumoftheWeek — Grace Alabi, AIMS Ghana ‘21"

July 15, 2022 | Medium AIMS Community Digest
Grace Alabi, AIMS Ghana alumna, shares her experiences as part of the Industry Immersion Program (IIP) in collaboration with ESMT, and how the alumni family has been of great help to her career progress.
Logo Handelsblatt

"Zeitenwende heißt auch: Neue Allianzen wagen"

July 14, 2022 | Handelsblatt
Germany and Europe must now resolutely drive forward global cooperation, demands Jörg Rocholl, president of ESMT.
Stefan Wagner

"China leads growth of patent filing in Europe"

July 13, 2022 | China Daily
Stefan Wagner, professor at ESMT, spoke with China Daily about how China has been steadily increasing its investments in state and privately funded research and development activities.
Jan Nimczik, ESMT Berlin

"Accepting refugees raises income per capita and wages in the long term, finds new research"

July 12, 2022 | EFMD Global Focus Magazine
A study by Jan Nimczik, assistant professor at ESMT, and economists Antonio Ciccone examines the long-term economic consequences of the inflow of refugees in Germany after World War II.

"Tackling a national water crisis during the ESMT Berlin Online MBA"

July 11, 2022 | MBA Grad Schools
Lucy Wanjiku Mutinda, ESMT global online MBA student, wanted to find an MBA program that would give her the business skills she needed to tackle her country’s wastewater management problems.