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How to make time for professional development


Professional development not only elevates skills and careers but also spurs personal growth. The tricky part? Balancing its undeniable value with the pressing demands of the average workday. Our…

Master machine learning in your workplace (without draining your human batteries)


To remain competitive, the company must adapt to this increasingly AI-driven landscape, but it fears tipping the delicate balance between embracing automation and preserving the craftsmanship and…

How we co-create customized executive programs


We attribute this recognition to our dedication to working in very close partnership with our clients to create the most impactful programs, ensuring their needs and challenges are at the forefront…

Frank talk about women, money, and promotion


The research supports the anecdotes. In salary and compensation, particularly, the gender pay gap remains the most obvious and persistent inequity – across national borders, industries, and…

AI and its importance for the startup ecosystem – a European perspective


This article analyzes the significance of AI foundation models for Europe’s AI startup ecosystem and highlights the possibility that Europe might once again miss its chance to achieve digital…

The Theranos strategy lesson


At its pinnacle, her company, Theranos, boasted a valuation exceeding $9 billion, drawing investments from prominent figures such as Rupert Murdoch and Henry Kissinger. But the tide quickly turned…

Being a cyberpower – China’s ambitions in cyberspace

Faculty & Research

The recently released U.S. National Security Strategy clearly identifies China as a systemic rival in the context of strategic competition. China is described as the “only competitor with both the…

How to stay afloat in the AI surge


With a possible launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT 5.0 on the horizon and a virtual tsunami of AI headlines from giants like Microsoft, Google, Apple, and Anthropic, it feels like we’re caught in a rip…

Usain Bolt and the peril when your status rises too high


As Usain Bolt arrives in London for this year’s Olympics, question marks hang over the previously untouchable sprint star. He was beaten at the Jamaican trials by his young countryman Johan Blake in…

Designing for impact: A results-driven perspective for executive education


As part of her development plan to take on this more challenging role, her manager has enrolled her in the organization’s mid-level manager training program. Jane is a believer in personal…