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Journal Article

Estimating network effects and compatibility: Evidence from the Polish mobile market

Information Economics and Policy 22 (2): 130–143
Economics, politics and business environment
structural econometric model, network effects, compatibility, mobile telephony
JEL Code(s)
C51, D12, L96
I develop a structural demand model for mobile telephony that facilitates the identification of network effects and inter-network compatibility. Network effects are measured as the dependence of consumer willingness to pay on the installed base of subscribers, compatibility as the relative extent of cross- and own-network effects. Estimating the model using quarterly panel data from the Polish mobile telephone market for the period 1996-2001, I find strong network effects and, despite full interconnection of the mobile telephone networks, low compatibility. I also show that ignoring network effects leads to overestimation of demand elasticity.
With permission of Elsevier
Journal Pages
Journal Article

How to stop customers from fixating on price

Harvard Business Review 88 (5): 84–91
Marco Bertini, Luc Wathieu (2010)
Strategy and general management
price, decision making, price sensitivity
In mature markets, heavy competition has a commoditizing effect, and customers become increasingly fixated on price. When marketers refer to "commoditization," they typically mean diminishing differences among offerings. But it's also a psycholocgical state: Consumers fall into a mind-set that makes them less receptive to innovation or marketing campaigns. Paradoxically, one of the most imprtant levers managers can use to revive consumer interest is price. The authors dexcribe four pricing movest that can call attention to how an offering is different - and why it deserves to fetch a premium.
Journal Pages
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Kosten- und Erlösrechnung [Profit and loss accounting]

2nd ed.,Berlin: Springer
Olaf Plötner, Barbara Sieben, Tyge-F. Kummer (2010)
Finance, accounting and corporate governance
managerial accounting, cost center accounting, contribution margins
Die Kosten- und Erlösrechnung ist ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil des betrieblichen Rechnungswesens und stellt - neben dem externen Rechnungswesen - eine wesentliche Grundlage zur Planung und Kontrolle der Geschäftstätigkeit dar. Kenntnisse zur Erfassung und zum Management von Kosten und Erlösen gehören somit zum Kernbereich betriebswirtschaftlichen Wissens. Das Buch bietet eine anwendungsorientierte, lehr- und lernfreundliche Einführung sowohl für Studierende wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Fächer als auch für Praktikerinnen und Praktiker, die ihre Kenntnisse in diesem Bereich erweitern wollen. Aufgaben, Ziele und Ablauf der Konzepte der Kosten- und Erlösrechnung werden in den Kapiteln schrittweise erläutert und anhand von Fallbeispielen und Rechenaufgaben verdeutlicht. Kernsätze fassen die Inhalte der Kapitel zusammen, und Interviews mit Managern geben Einblicke in die Praxis. Dadurch vermittelt das Buch konsequent, wofür die Ergebnisse der Kosten- und Erlösrechnung in der Praxis benötigt werden.
2nd ed.,
Journal Article

Understanding creativity: The manager as artist

Rotman Management Magazine Spring: 22–27
Jörg Reckhenrich, Martin Kupp, Jamie Anderson (2010)
Strategy and general management
Creativity, strategy, decision making, innovation
Journal Pages
ISSN (Online)
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ESMT Case Study

A critical orchestra: Giving and receiving feedback

ESMT Case Study No. ESMT-410-0103-3
Ulf Schäfer, Vera Heyes (2010)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
feedback, giving feedback, receiving feedback, coaching, leadership
"It takes two to speak the truth - one who speaks and one to hear." (Thoreau) This 19-minute video case-study documents scenes from a workshop of the Critical Orchestra (Das Kritische Orchester), a music ensemble consisting of very experienced musicians who are joining once a year for very special rehearsing sessions. The musicians - from such world class ensembles such as the Berlin Philharmonic, the Staatskapelle Berlin, or the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig - work and have worked with the world's leading conductors: Karajan, Bernstein, Kleiber, Abbado, Rattle, Barenboim etc. In this special workshop they will, however, be led by rather inexperienced conductors in their late twenties or early thirties. These young conductors are given the chance to rehearse selected pieces with the orchestra - only to then be given feedback by these very experienced, world-class musicians. The case study owns much of its force to the double-reversed setup vis-a-vis expectations: Senior, experienced musicians being led by rookie conductors; and the musicians in the orchestra telling the conductors what to do. The case study can be used to illustrate the concept of feedback, focusing on the challenge of making this process effective for the parties involved. It allows for reflections on giving and receiving feedback and may be used in courses covering issues related to feedback or coaching (individual consultations, group coaching, or peer coaching). It can also be used to introduce feedback and coaching elements into programs then serving as an introduction and lead-up to these program elements.
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ESMT Case Study

Who's responsible for the drawbridge drama?

ESMT Case Study No. ESMT-710-0104-1
Urs Müller, Ulf Schäfer (2010)
Ethics and social responsibility
responsible leadership; ethics; responsibility; ethical dilemma; case method; leadership; ambiguity; utilitarianism; deontology; corporate governance; business ethics; corporate responsibility; values; human behavior; organizational behavior
The “drawbridge” is the short story of a baroness who, despite orders by her husband not to leave the castle, pays a servant so that she can leave the castle to visit a lover overnight. On her way back to the castle, she is killed by a madman after she unsuccessfully tried to get help from her lover, a boatman, and a friend. The half-page story has been circulating for more than three decades and is widely used for educational purposes throughout the world. Even though it is a classic, it has not been used as a case study in the context of management and leadership classes. It is available as a text version or comic strip.
There is an increasing interest in “responsible leadership” and “responsible business.” This case is an ideal opening for such topics. It may also be used as an introduction to leadership or general management programs, as an illustration of case work (different perspectives, no right and wrong answers, participants “doing” the work, discussion rather than lecture), as an illustration of the fuzziness of language, which we deal with in many (management) contexts (e.g. guilt vs. accountability vs. responsibility vs. fault), and/or as an illustration of how people look at the same context or phenomenon, but reach very different interpretations and judgments.
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Человек, как известно, существо очень слабое [Humans, as we know, are weak]

Sekret Firmy 4 (296): 83–84
Strategy and general management
executive coaching, leadership, leadership development
Journal Pages
ISSN (Print)
Journal Article

The new game in town: Competitive effects of IPOs

The Journal of Finance 65 (2): 495–528
Hung-Chia Hsu, Adam V. Reed, Jörg Rocholl (2010)
Finance, accounting and corporate governance
IPOs, competitive effects, financial certification, knowledge capital
We analyze the effect of initial public offerings (IPOs) on industry competitors and provide evidence that companies experience negative stock price reactions to completed IPOs in their industry and positive stock price reactions to their withdrawal. Following a successful IPO in their industry, they show significant deterioration in their operating performance. These results are consistent with the existence of IPOrelated competitive advantages through the loosening of financial constraints, financial intermediary certification, and the presence of knowledge capital. These aspects of competitiveness are significant in explaining the cross-section of underperformance as well as survival probabilities for competing firms.
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Journal Pages
ISSN (Online)
Book Chapter

Sitting pretty: Managing customer-driven innovation at Faurecia car seating

In Strategic marketing: Creating competitive advantage, edited by Douglas West, John Ford, Essam Ibrahim, 535–556. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Francis Bidault, Alessio Castello (2010)
Strategy and general management
partnership, innovation, manufacturing strategy
Secondary Title
Strategic marketing: Creating competitive advantage
ESMT Working Paper

Quantification of harm in damages actions for antitrust infringements: Insights from German cartel cases

ESMT Working Paper No. 10-001
Economics, politics and business environment
Antitrust law, horizontal anticompetitive practices, quantification of damages
JEL Code(s)
L12, L41, K21, K41, C10
This paper argues that empirical economic analysis in court proceedings is subject to important economic and legal restrictions, cumulating in a fundamental trade-off between accuracy and practicality. We draw lessons from two influential German court cases - the paper wholesaler cartel decision of 2007 and the cement cartel decision of 2009. We characterise the trade-offs arguing that they need to be well understood, made transparent, and that decisions on how to proceed in light of these trade-offs have to be taken upfront by the court. In this respect, we believe that the three-step procedure (design, application, and robustness checks) followed by the German court in the cement case is well suited to meet the appropriate legal standard and requirements, both with respect to accuracy and practicality.


View all ESMT Working Papers in the ESMT Working Paper Series here. ESMT Working Papers are also available via SSRN, RePEc, EconStor, and the German National Library (DNB).

ISSN (Print)