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Publication records

Book Chapter

(Nicht-)Finanzielle Renditen auf soziale Investments [(Non-)Financial returns to social investments]

In High Impact Investing: Erfolgsfaktoren für die Finanzierung von Social-Entrepreneurship-Projekten, edited by Bernd Fischl, 69–77. Gräfelfing Munich: Realis Verlag.
Entrepreneurship; Ethics and social responsibility; Finance, accounting and corporate governance; Strategy and general management
Social return on investment, sustainability, high impact investing, social responsibility
Secondary Title
High Impact Investing: Erfolgsfaktoren für die Finanzierung von Social-Entrepreneurship-Projekten
Book Chapter

Die völkerrechtliche Dimension der IT-Sicherheit [The international legal dimension of IT security]

In IT-Sicherheitsrecht, edited by Gerrit Hornung, Martin Schallbruch, Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Henning Christian Lahmann (2020)
Information technology and systems
international law, cybersecurity, united nations, use of force, intervention, sovereignty, internet governance, arms control, cyber operations
The chapter summarises the current state of the application of international law to cyberspace and reviews attempts to find consensus among the community of states. While virtually all states agree that international law applies to state conduct in cyberspace, the 'how' remains a hotly contested issue. The chapter focuses on the prohibition of the use of force, the prohibition of intervention, and the principle of sovereignty and assesses their legal status vis-à-vis cyber operations. It follows a brief treatment of further international efforts to increase transnational cybersecurity, such as internet governance and arms control treaties.
Secondary Title
Book Chapter

Messung, Prüfung und Nachweis von IT-Sicherheit [Measuring, testing and proving IT security]

In IT-Sicherheitsrecht, edited by Gerrit Hornung, Martin Schallbruch, Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Isabel Skierka (2020)
Information technology and systems; Management sciences, decision sciences and quantitative methods
IT security, risk management, certification, audit, ISO 27000, Common Criteria
Dieses Kapitels im Praxishandbuch "IT-Sicherheitsrecht" analysiert Verfahren zur Messung, Prüfung und dem Nachweis von IT-Sicherheit zur Erfüllung von rechtlichen Anforderungen. Zunächst gibt das Kapitel einen Überblick über Prüf-, Bewertungs- und Nachweisverfahren, sowie rechtliche Grundlagen und Zuständigkeiten im IT-Sicherheitsrecht. Anschließend unterscheidet es systematisch zwischen unterschiedlichen Prüf- und Bewertungsebenen bzw. -gegenständen im Sinne der Sicherheit von IT-Systemen in Institutionen und der IT-Sicherheit von Software und Hardware. Im zweiten Abschnitt erläutert es die Messung, Prüfung und den Nachweis von IT-Sicherheit in Institutionen, fasst die einschlägigen Standards für Systeme zum Management von Informationssicherheit zusammen, benennt Methoden zur Messung von IT-Sicherheit innerhalb von Risikoanalysen und erläutert Audits und Zertifizierungen und zeigt anschließend, in welchen Bereichen des IT-Sicherheitsrechts diese Methoden verlangt werden. Der dritte Teil widmet sich der Messung, Prüfung und dem Nachweis von IT-Sicherheit von Software und Hardware, einschließlich IT-Produkten, -Diensten und -Prozessen. Er bietet eine Übersicht über Kriterien zur Messung, Evaluation und Prüfung von Software und Hardware und über Zertifizierungsverfahren. Darauf aufbauend erläutert der Abschnitt, wie diese Verfahren bei der Prüfung und Zertifizierung von IT-Produkten, -Diensten und -Prozessen im allgemeinen und fachspezifischen IT-Sicherheitsrecht zum Einsatz kommen. Ein kurzer abschließender Abschnitt zeigt die Grenzen der bestehenden Ansätze und zukünftige Herausforderungen auf.
Secondary Title
Book Chapter

Rethinking social networks in the era of computational social science

In The Oxford Handbook of Social Networks, edited by Ryan Light, James Moody, 71–97. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
James A. Kitts, Eric Quintane (2020)
Management sciences, decision sciences and quantitative methods
Social networks, social interactions, relational events, computational social science, wearable sensors, digital trace data, big data, sentiments
Recent work argued that researchers conceptualize ‘social ties’ in four fundamentally different ways –as socially constructed role relations such as friendship or co-authorship; sentiments such as liking or hatred; interactions such as communication or sex; and access to resources or opportunities. We consider where ties (and non-ties) are likely to correspond across these four concepts, and thus assess where we may apply theories based on one network concept (e.g., sentiment ties of liking and disliking) to data representing another (e.g., interaction as logs of phone calls). Then we discuss empirical lenses emerging from computational social science, such as location-aware devices, electronic calendars, wearable sensors, records of electronic messages, phone calls, or online transactions. We ask how these time-stamped event series correspond to the conventional network concepts above and call for a new analytical approach: Directly theorizing and analyzing the structural-temporal interdependencies of interaction events redirects our attention from structural patterns to social processes.
Secondary Title
The Oxford Handbook of Social Networks
Book Chapter

When employees walk out the door, their memories remain: The effect of inventor mobility on patent renewal

In Advances in Strategic Management, 41 vols. edited by Daniel Tzabbar, Bruno Cirillo, 245–265. Bingley: Emerald Publishing.
Martin C. Goossen, Gianluca Carnabuci (2020)
Strategy and general management; Technology, R&D management
Prior research suggests that patents by mobile inventors are at higher risk of generating spillovers between departed and hiring firms. Despite extensive research on how inter-firm inventor mobility affects firms' learning and innovation, little is known about how firms protect their existing intellectual property in the face of inter-firm inventor mobility. We argue that one main way in which firms try to prevent others from appropriating the value of these inventions is by extending the validity of mobile inventors' patents. We derive a set of hypotheses consistent with this argument and test them using longitudinal data on four major American semiconductor firms. Our analyses show that, as hypothesized, both departed and hiring firms are more likely to extend the validity of mobile inventors' patents than is the case for the patents of other, non-mobile inventors. Furthermore, in line with the view that firms use patent renewal to deter other firms from appropriating mobile inventors' knowledge, we find this effect to be stronger where the risks of spillovers are most intense. Our findings extend prior literature by explicating the role of patent renewal as a strategic deterrent against intellectual property appropriation in the face of inter-firm inventor mobility.
With permission of Emerald
Secondary Title
Advances in Strategic Management
ISBN (Online)
Book Chapter

How do digital ecosystems defend their business?

In Ecosystems Inc.: Understanding, harnessing and developing organizational ecosystems, edited by Stuart Crainer, 25–29. Wargrave: Thinkers50.
Information technology and systems; Technology, R&D management
Digital ecosystems, business
Organizations were once linear and one dimensional. No more. The modern organization exists in a multi-dimensional ecosystem sustained by a potent combination of trust, technology and management. Think of Amazon, Alibaba, WeWork, Tencent and Uber. In Ecosystems Inc. some of the world’s leading management thinkers make sense of what it takes to understand, harness and develop organizational ecosystems.
Secondary Title
Ecosystems Inc.: Understanding, harnessing and developing organizational ecosystems
ISBN (Online)
Book Chapter

Der Staat als Hacker [Government hacking]

In Handbuch Digitalisierung in Staat und Verwaltung, edited by Tanja Klenk, Frank Nullmeier, Göttrik Wewer, 1–12. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Martin Schallbruch (2020)
Economics, politics and business environment; Ethics and social responsibility; Information technology and systems; Technology, R&D management
Government hacking, police, national security, cybersecurity, information security, vulnerabilities, Verschlüsselung, Computer-Grundrecht, Online-Durchsuchung, staatliches Hacking, Hack-Back Schwachstellen
Governmental hacking has come into the toolbox of the German security authorities - with legal powers for police forces and some intelligence services, with the development of corresponding technologies ("Government Trojan horses") and first deployment experiences. At the same time, government hacking is associated with considerable risks for the individuals concerned and for society at large. Governmental hacking is increasing and will persist. In the long term, it will constitute a major area of conflict between the promotion of information security on the one hand and the disruption of information security on the other.

[Staatliches Hacking ist im Instrumentarium der deutschen Sicherheitsbehörden angekommen – mit gesetzlichen Befugnissen für Polizeien und einige Nachrichtendienste, mit der Entwicklung entsprechender Technologien („Bundestrojaner“) und ersten Einsatzerfahrungen. Gleichzeitig ist staatliches Hacking mit erheblichen Risiken für die Betroffenen und die Gesellschaft insgesamt verbunden. Staatliches Hacking wird zunehmen und sich verstetigen. Es wird dauerhaft ein zentrales Spannungsfeld zwischen der Förderung von IT-Sicherheit auf der einen und der Durchbrechung von IT-Sicherheit auf der anderen Seite darstellen.]
Secondary Title
Handbuch Digitalisierung in Staat und Verwaltung
ISBN (Online)
Book Chapter

Wir brauchen eine Plattformökonomie, die zum Gemeinwohl beiträgt [We need a platform economy that contributes to the public welfare]

In Digitale Daseinsvorsorge, edited by Henning Lühr, 156–167. Bremen: Kellner Verlag.
Martin Schallbruch (2020)
Economics, politics and business environment; Information technology and systems; Technology, R&D management
Platform economy, public services, public sector, competition
The digital transformation of all areas of life also involves the public sphere. The government and politicians are called upon to digitally redesign state and local public services in all areas - from education to health care and transport. Digital platforms play a central role in the digital transformation. On the one hand, platform companies are drivers and supporters in the digitization also of public services. On the other hand, they are often market-dominating companies that can reduce the government's ability to design the digital services. Governments are requested, on the one hand, to develop their own platform strategy for the public sector and, on the other hand, to reduce the power of the market-dominating global platforms and to ensure competition.
Secondary Title
Digitale Daseinsvorsorge
Book Chapter

Bogota, Colombia

In Transit crime and sexual violence in cities: International evidence and prevention, edited by Vania Ceccato, Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, New York: Routledge.
Monica Perez (2020)
Diversity and inclusion; Health and environment
Public transport, gender, victimization, sexual violence
This chapter examined the experiences of tertiary students in Bogota when taking public transport. Based on a sample of 1065 students, results showed that more than 70% of females and nearly 50% of males had experienced sexual violence at some point in the last three years, about one-third of both males and females had experienced theft, and about one-fifth other serious crimes. As expected, females in the sample felt significantly less safe than males in public transportation settings. However, rather than gender, the best predictors of low perceptions of safety were prior experiences of multiple types of sexual victimization (e.g., sexual looks and gestures, sexual comments, groping, touching inappropriately) as well as poor guardianship of vehicles and stops/stations. The study shows that fear of crime in public transport is not merely a social construction, but is directly related to prior experiences of violence in these public spaces.
Secondary Title
Transit crime and sexual violence in cities: International evidence and prevention
ISBN (Online)
Book Chapter

The importance of the Transit environment: Does it affect the risk of sexual victimization

In Transit crime and sexual violence in cities: International evidence and prevention, edited by Vania Ceccato, Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, New York: Routledge.
Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, Vania Ceccato, Monica Perez Trujillo, Iderlina B. Mateo-Babiano, Per Näsman, Linda Langefors (2020)
Diversity and inclusion; Health and environment
Public transport, gender, victimization, sexual violence
This chapter examines the influence of both the physical and social environment on sexual harassment and on the perceptions of transit safety among university students. We compare results from four cities: Los Angeles in North America, Bogota in South America, Stockholm in Europe and Manila in Asia. Based on a total sample of over 2800 students, we used descriptive statistics and logistic regression models to evaluate the effect of environmental factors while controlling for individual characteristics. Our results provided evidence that environmental factors increase opportunities for crime in transportation settings. Specifically, in most models, litter and vandalism, poorly guarded and poorly illuminated settings had an impact on the risk of victimization. Also, in most models, two elements of social disorder (drunkenness and panhandling) affected risk. However, some environmental characteristics affect some types of sexual offenses but not others, and factors affect the risk of victimization differently depending on the city.
Secondary Title
Transit crime and sexual violence in cities: International evidence and prevention
ISBN (Online)