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Journal Article

Temporal brokering: A measure of brokerage as a behavioral process

Organizational Research Methods 25 (3): 459–489
Eric Quintane, Martin Wood, John Dunn, Lucia Falzon (2022)
Management sciences, decision sciences and quantitative methods
Brokering process, behavioral measure, relational events sequences, network algebra
Extant research in organizational networks has provided critical insights into understanding the benefits of occupying a brokerage position. More recently, researchers have moved beyond the brokerage position to consider the brokering processes (arbitration and collaboration) brokers engage in and their implications for performance. However, brokering processes are typically measured using scales that reflect individuals’ orientation toward engaging in a behavior, rather than the behavior itself. In this article, we propose a measure that captures the behavioral process of brokering. The measure indicates the extent to which actors engage in arbitration versus collaboration based on sequences of time stamped relational events, such as emails, message boards, and recordings of meetings. We demonstrate the validity of our measure as well as its predictive ability. By leveraging the temporal information inherent in sequences of relational events, our behavioral measure of brokering creates opportunities for researchers to explore the dynamics of brokerage and their impact on individuals, and also paves the way for a systematic examination of the temporal dynamics of networks.
With permission of SAGE Publishing
Journal Pages
Journal Article

Protecting their turf: When and why supervisors undermine employee boundary spanning

Journal of Applied Psychology 107 (6): 1009–1019
Julija N. Mell, Eric Quintane, Giles Hirst, Andrew Carnegie (2022)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
Boundary spanning, supervisor undermining, territoriality, advice seeking
JEL Code(s)
Journal Pages
Journal Article

Search under accumulated pressure

Operations Research 70 (3): 1293–1952
Saed Alizamir, Francis de Véricourt, Peng Sun (2022)
Management sciences, decision sciences and quantitative methods
Sequential decision making, time pressure, information search, Bayesian inference
Arrow et al. (1949) introduced the first sequential search problem, “where at each stage the options available are to stop and take a definite action or to continue sampling for more information." We study how time pressure in the form of task accumulation may affect this decision problem. To that end, we consider a search problem where the decision maker (DM) faces a stream of random decision tasks to be treated one at a time, and accumulate when not attended to. We formulate the problem of managing this form of pressure as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process, and characterize the corresponding optimal policy. We find that the DM needs to alleviate this pressure very differently depending on how the search on the current task has unfolded thus far. As the search progresses, the DM is less and less willing to sustain high levels of workloads in the beginning and end of the search, but actually increases the maximum workload she is willing to handle in the middle of the process. The DM manages this workload by first making a priori decisions to release some accumulated tasks, and later by aborting the current search and deciding based on her updated belief. This novel search strategy critically depends on the DM's prior belief about the tasks, and stems, in part, from an effect related to the decision ambivalence. These findings are robust to various extensions of our basic set-up.
© 2019, INFORMS
Journal Pages
Journal Article

Employer attractiveness from an employee perspective: A systematic literature review.

Frontiers in Psychology 13
Anke Dassler, Evgenia Lysova, Svetlana Khapova, Konstantin Korotov (2022)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
Employer attractiveness, organizational commitment, current employees, existing employees, employer brand
JEL Code(s)
With the growing interest in employer attractiveness, research is unsystematic on how this phenomenon can be conceptualized and studied. Studies tend to make little conceptual differentiation regarding for whom employers should be attractive, and therefore, address the perspectives of potential as well as current employees, who work in organizations for long periods of time. In this study our arguments relate to the phenomenon’s conceptual clarity as well as its differentiation from other related concepts. By focusing on employer attractiveness for current employees, we have systematically reviewed 48 studies published in business and management journals, and categorized findings into the Inputs-Mediators-Outputs model. This approach allowed us to depict significant limitations in the existing knowledge about employer attractiveness from the current employees’ perspective, and offer avenues for future research. Next, to delineate the future research agenda, we have concluded this study with a discussion on what our findings mean for managers and organizations.
Journal Article

Hedge fund flows and performance streaks: How investors weigh information

Management Science 68 (6): 4151–4172
Guillermo Baquero, Marno Verbeek (2022)
hedge funds, cash flows, hot hand fallacy, performance streaks, relative weights, smart money
Cash flows to hedge funds are highly sensitive to performance streaks, a streak being defined as subsequent quarters during which a fund performs above or below a benchmark, even after controlling for a wide range of common performance measures. At the same time, streaks have limited predictive power regarding future fund performance. This suggests investors weigh information suboptimally, and their decisions are driven too strongly by a belief in continuation of good performance, consistent with the “hot hand fallacy.” The hedge funds that investors choose to invest in do not perform significantly better than those they divest from. These findings are consistent with overreaction to certain types of information and do not support the notion that sophisticated investors have superior information or superior information processing abilities.
© 2021, INFORMS
Journal Pages
ISSN (Online)
ISSN (Print)
Journal Article

Patents, data exclusivity, and the development of new drugs

Review of Economics and Statistics 104 (3): 574–586
Fabian Gaessler, Stefan Wagner (2022)
Technology, R&D management
patents, drugs, data exclusivity, clinical trials
JEL Code(s)
K41, L24, L65, O31, O32, O34
Journal Pages
Journal Article

Conflict strength: Measuring the tension between cooperative and competitive incentives in experimental negotiation tasks

Collabra: Psychology 8 (1)
Johann M. Majer, Martin Schweinsberg, Hong Zhang, Roman Trötschel (2022)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
methods, measures, research transparency, open science,reproducibility, meta-science, negotiation,conflict, cooperation, competition
Conflict management scholars study mixed-motive negotiation situations with cooperative and competitive incentives predominantly through multi-issue negotiation tasks in experimental studies. Intriguingly, experimenters currently lack an objective, generalizable, and continuous measure that precisely quantifies the incentives underlying these negotiation tasks. We present the conflict strength coefficient, which enables scholars to systematically quantify the incentive structures in these multi-issue negotiation tasks. By making the incentive structures accessible and numerically comparable, the conflict strength coefficient provides new insights into the central element of the experimental study of negotiation and conflict management, unmasks differences across existing tasks, facilitates research transparency, knowledge sharing, and open science practices. We demonstrate the coefficient’s benefits by providing a hands-on example from past research, by reviewing and quantitatively assessing the current literature, and by mapping conflict strength coefficients for the negotiation and conflict management research landscape and its subareas. Our analysis suggests that the conflict strength coefficient can enrich the understanding of cooperative and competitive incentives in the established tasks and directly guide and support an individual scholar’s process of knowledge creation. The conflict strength coefficient provides a methodological contribution to the experimental study of conflict management and negotiation with immediate benefits for the production of scientific knowledge, the experimental study of real-world phenomena, and theory development.
Journal Article

The role of autonomy and selection at the gate in flat organizations

Journal of Organization Design 11 (1): 27–29
Strategy and general management; Technology, R&D management
autonomy, remote work, flat organizations
Journal Pages
ISSN (Online)
Journal Article

Judging the legality of sexually violent tactics: a comparison between prosecuting attorneys in the United States and Colombia

Journal of Sexual Aggression 28 (2): 261–279
Zoë D. Peterson, Monica Perez Trujillo, Ana L. Jaramillo-Sierra (2022)
attorney perceptions, sexual violence, coercive tactics, measurement, cross-cultural research
In order to study sexual violence internationally, it is helpful to understand similarities and differences in how sexual violence is conceptualised across countries. The current study examined prosecuting attorneys’ judgments about which sexual tactics legally qualify as sexual violence in two countries. Attorneys from the U.S. (n = 28) and Colombia (n = 24) evaluated whether 36 tactics would qualify as a sexual offense in their jurisdiction. Although Colombian and U.S. attorneys agreed on the legality of many tactics, Colombian attorneys judged more behaviours as criminal, on average, than U.S. attorneys. Within-country variations suggested that differences were due not only to different legal statutes, but also to different interpretations of laws. Open-ended responses illustrated sources of ambiguity, including lack of clarity about how much coercion is required and which behaviours indicate nonconsent. This suggests that vagueness within legal definitions may allow attorney judgements to be influenced by stereotypes and prejudices.

Practical Impact Statement: This study illustrates the vagueness of legal definitions of sexual violence in two countries—the United States and Colombia. This vagueness provides prosecuting attorneys with substantial power to interpret the law, and in this study, some attorney judgements of legality seemed to be influenced by stereotypes. Greater training for law students and attorneys about the realities of sexual violence may be helpful in undermining belief in rape myths that may inhibit attorneys from prosecuting certain sexual violence cases.
Journal Pages
ISSN (Online)
ISSN (Print)
Journal Article

Crowdsourcing research questions in science

Research Policy 51 (4): 104491
Susanne Beck, Tiare-Maria Brasseur, Marion Poetz, Henry Sauermann (2022)
Diversity and inclusion; Health and environment; Technology, R&D management
Crowd science, citizen science, crowdsourcing, problem solving, problem finding, agenda setting, organization of science
Scientists are increasingly crossing the boundaries of the professional system by involving the general public (the crowd) directly in their research. However, this crowd involvement tends to be confined to empirical work and it is not clear whether and how crowds can also be involved in conceptual stages such as formulating the questions that research is trying to address. Drawing on five different “paradigms” of crowdsourcing and related mechanisms, we first discuss potential merits of involving crowds in the formulation of research questions (RQs). We then analyze data from two crowdsourcing projects in the medical sciences to describe key features of RQs generated by crowd members and compare the quality of crowd contributions to that of RQs generated in the conventional scientific process. We find that the majority of crowd contributions are problem restatements that can be useful to assess problem importance but provide little guidance regarding potential causes or solutions. At the same time, crowd-generated research questions frequently cross disciplinary boundaries by combining elements from different fields within and especially outside medicine. Using evaluations by professional scientists, we find that the average crowd contribution has lower novelty and potential scientific impact than professional research questions, but comparable practical impact. Crowd contributions outperform professional RQs once we apply selection mechanisms at the level of individual contributors or across contributors. Our findings advance research on crowd and citizen science, crowdsourcing and distributed knowledge production, as well as the organization of science. We also inform ongoing policy debates around the involvement of citizens in research in general, and agenda setting in particular.
With permission of Elsevier
Journal Pages