Economics, politics and business environment; Health and environment; Product and operations management
Blockchain, energy, energy transition
JEL Code(s)
Blockchain is a distributed, digital transaction technology that allows for securely storing data and executing smart contracts in peer-to-peer networks. In a survey among German energy executives, the German Energy Agency GmbH (dena) and the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT Berlin) have compiled their opinions, current and planned actions, and visions of the future role of Blockchain in the energy sector.
More than half of the 70 respondents has already experimented with Blockchain or plans to do so. 21 percent consider Blockchain a game changer for the energy supply industry. 60 percent of the respondents believe that a further dissemination of the Blockchain is likely, and 14 percent expect niche applications. The survey also covered potential use cases: Around half of the use cases mentioned by respondents are related to process optimization, including billing, sales and marketing, automation, metering and data transfer, mobility, communication, and grid management. The second half is linked to public and private trading platforms, in particular peer-to-peer trade, and decentralized energy generation.
Respondents urge decision-makers to speed up the process of putting Blockchain at the top of their agendas and express concerns that Germany and the European Union might be lagging behind in a global comparison. The rapid launch of prototypes should verify the functionality of the technology and attract a sufficient amount of users to rapidly reach a critical mass. They also fear that the current regulatory framework is not suited at all to accommodate Blockchain applications.
The dena / ESMT analysis reveals that the cost-cutting potential of Blockchain applications has its limitations. Especially in markets where digital solutions already exist, the technology will have to compete with fairly efficient processes. By contrast, nascent markets, such as public charging and billing transactions for electric vehicles, offer possibilities of the Blockchain to become the dominant design.
[Blockchain ist eine dezentral organisierte digitale Plattform, die sichere Datenspeicherung und Trans-aktionen in Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerken ermöglicht. Welche Auswirkungen wird Blockchain auf den Energiesektor haben?
Die Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) und die European School of Management and Technolo-gy (ESMTBerlin) haben EntscheidungstrĂ€ger der deutschen Energiewirtschaft ĂŒber ihre EinschĂ€tzungen, bestehende und geplante AktivitĂ€ten sowie ihre Vision zum Thema Blockchain befragt. Von den rund 70 EntscheidungstrĂ€gern, die an der Umfrage teilnahmen, experimentiert bereits mehr als die HĂ€lfte mit Anwendungen der Blockchain oder plant derartige Vorhaben. 21 Prozent sehen die Blockchain als Game-Changer fĂŒr die Energieversorgung, 60 Prozent halten die weitere Verbreitung von Blockchain fĂŒr wahrscheinlich und 14 Prozent erwarten Nischenanwendungen. Nach zukĂŒnftigen Anwendungsbereichen der Blockchain-Technologie befragt, fallen rund die HĂ€lfte der Anwendungen in den Bereich öffentliche und private Handelsplattformen, insbesondere Peer-to-Peer-Handel und dezentrale Energieerzeugung, wĂ€hrend die andere HĂ€lfte der genannten potenziellen Anwendungen unter dem Begriff âProzessoptimierungâ zusammengefasst werden kann, einschlieĂlich der Themen Abrechnung, intelligente ZĂ€hler und DatenĂŒbertragung. Hier werden weiterhin Vertrieb und Marketing, Automatisierung sowie ElektromobilitĂ€t, Kommunikation und Netzmanagement genannt.
Nach konkreten Handlungsfeldern befragt, empfehlen die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der Umfrage EntscheidungstrĂ€gern aus Politik und Wirtschaft, dem Thema Blockchain gröĂere Aufmerksamkeit zu widmen, und Ă€uĂern Bedenken, dass Deutschland und die EuropĂ€ische Union im globalen Vergleich ins Hintertreffen geraten könnten. Zudem bewegen sich einigen Kommentaren zufolge Blockchain-Anwendungen in einer Grauzone des derzeitigen Rechtsrahmens. Die Finanzierung von Pilotprojekten und Prototypen sollte die Möglichkeiten der Technologie bestĂ€tigen und die EinfĂŒhrung kommerzieller Anwendungen fĂŒr den Massenmarkt beschleunigen.
Die dena-/ESMT-Analyse zeigt, dass das Kostensenkungspotenzial von Blockchain-Anwendungen fĂŒr die Energiewende begrenzt ist. Insbesondere in MĂ€rkten, in denen sich bereits digitale Lösungen bewĂ€hrt haben, trifft die Technologie auf starke Konkurrenzprodukte und -dienstleistungen. Im Gegen-satz dazu besteht in entstehenden MĂ€rkten die Möglichkeit, dass Blockchain in Zukunft zum dominierenden Design werden kann, beispielsweisebei öffentlichen Lade-und Abrechnungstransaktionen fĂŒr Elektrofahrzeuge.]
German edition of the study: Blockchain in der Energiewende. Eine Umfrage unter FĂŒhrungskrĂ€ften der deutschen Energiewirtschaft.
For the press release click here.
Human resources management/organizational behavior
Secondary Title
Innovating in practice: Perspectives and experiences
Service expectations, customer satisfaction, information processing, ability to evaluate, motivation to evaluate
JEL Code(s)
Extant research established that customersâ expectations play an ambivalent role in the satisfaction formation process: while higher expectations are more difficult to meet and thus cause dissatisfaction, they simultaneously increase satisfaction via customersâ perceived performance owing to a placebo effect. However, to date, knowledge is scarce on the question under which conditions either the positive or negative effect of expectations on satisfaction prevails. Building on information processing theory, the authors hypothesize that an essential contingency of the indirect, placebo-based effect is the degree to which customers are able and motivated to process a service experience. Three studies with a total of over 4,000 customers in different service contexts provide strong evidence for this hypothesis. Thus, managers are well advised to provide a realistic or even understated prospect if the service context favors customersâ ability or motivation to evaluate. Conversely, if customers are neither able nor motivated to evaluate the service, increasing customer expectations represents a viable strategy to enhance satisfaction. Relatedly, if customers hold low service expectations, managers should foster customersâ ability and motivation to evaluate the service. In contrast, if service expectations are high, managers may benefit from reducing the likelihood that customers overly focus on the service performance.
With permission of SAGE Publishing
Journal Pages
Economics, politics and business environment
Multimarket firms, entry, predation, reputation
Journal Pages
Finance, accounting and corporate governance
Consumer loans, loan officer incentives, hard information, information manipulation
JEL Code(s)
Banks have been subject to a wave of investigations regarding fraudulent behavior. Much of the discussion centers on manipulation of hard information by employees down the line, who missell mortgages due to flawed debt-to-income ratios or manipulate LIBOR and FX rates. Despite these prominent cases, little is known in the academic literature as to whether and how manipulation of hard information is affected by incentives of these employees, and if anything there is increasing reliance on quantitative, hard information based models for regulating banks. In this paper, we fill this gap by analyzing almost a quarter million of retail loan applications. We show that loan officer incentives significantly skew ratings even in settings where ratings are computed using hard information only. These incentives have a first-order effect on bank profitability. Our results suggest that ratings are subject to the Lucas critique: Incentives influence the hard information reported by loan officers and thus change the link between hard information and default probabilities.
Human resources management/organizational behavior
Biography, psychodynamic approach, management science, clinical paradigm, universal motivational drivers, leadership development, group coaching, legacy
The full text of the working paper is available at SSRN.
Information technology and systems; Technology, R&D management
Key operational investments
JEL Code(s)
How does your organization manage the money it spends on digital? One surprising finding of my research is that most do not distinguish between different types of digital investments, treating all in a similar way. This situation exists because, believe it or not, a lot of organizations lack any mechanisms to help them actively manage the evaluation, selection, monitoring, and adjustment of digital investments to achieve clearly defined business results while meeting clear risk and return expectations.
ISSN (Print)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
Decision making, ethics, psychology, research management
We present the data from a crowdsourced project seeking to replicate findings in independent laboratories before (rather than after) they are published. In this Pre-Publication Independent Replication (PPIR) initiative, 25 research groups attempted to replicate 10 moral judgment effects from a single laboratoryâs research pipeline of unpublished findings. The 10 effects were investigated using online/lab surveys containing psychological manipulations (vignettes) followed by questionnaires. Results revealed a mix of reliable, unreliable, and culturally moderated findings. Unlike any previous replication project, this dataset includes the data from not only the replications but also from the original studies, creating a unique corpus that researchers can use to better understand reproducibility and irreproducibility in science.
ISSN (Online)
Product and operations management; Strategy and general management; Technology, R&D management
decentralized energy, RWE, E.ON, Germany, power generators
JEL Code(s)
Q40, Q48
Journal Pages
Technology, R&D management
Journal Pages
ISSN (Online)