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Executive Education Brochure and Portfolio


Finance for Executives

Dates: 11. Nov 2024 - 13. Nov 2024
Duration: 3 Days
Location: Berlin
Language: English
Tuition: 4,000 €

  • Key benefits:
    • Gaining a deeper understanding of profit-and-loss accounts, balance sheets, and cash flow
    • Learning to identify relevant costs and revenues
    • Communicating financial goals to others
    • Building a network of global contacts
    Target audience:

    Senior or mid-level managers from non-financial backgrounds interested in gaining a better understanding of financial principles.

    Topics: Finance

Executive Transition Program

Module 1
Dates: 15. Nov 2024 - 22. Nov 2024
Duration: 8 Days
Location: area Stockholm (Sweden)
Language: English
Tuition: 28,500 €
  • Module 2
    Duration: 5 Days
    Location: area Berlin Brandenburg
    Module 3
    Duration: 5 Days
    Location: Berlin

    Key benefits:
    • Preparing to assume complex roles as general manager
    • Learning new capabilities, tools, and concepts
    • Building the confidence and competence to lead others
    • Preparing to manage across national borders
    • Joining the exclusive ETP Salon and gaining access to the growing group of alumni
    Target audience:
    • Professionals in global or regional operating companies that lead a business unit or a regional subsidiary; or are in charge of a new product, market, or major project initiative; with good written and spoken English.
    Topics: Career transition, Change management, Communication, Data analytics, Decision making, Digitalization, Finance, Innovation, Leadership, Marketing and sales, Strategy, Sustainability, Technologies (AI, Blockchain, VR)

Führung für jüngere Führungskräfte

Module 1
Dates: 18. Nov 2024 - 22. Nov 2024
Duration: 5 Days
Location: Berlin
Language: German
Tuition: 5,200 €
  • Module 2
    Duration: 0,375 Day
    Location: Live Online

    Key benefits:
    • Get to know your individual leadership strengths, weaknesses and growth potentials
    • Equip yourself with tools for day-to-day leadership and change
    • Receive feedback on your impact on others
    • Practice and understand extended leadership behavior
    Target audience:
    • Managers who have taken on leadership responsibility within the last two years or who are about to do so.
    Topics: Leadership, Career transition

Leading People and Teams

Dates: 19. Nov 2024 - 22. Nov 2024
Duration: 4 Days
Location: Berlin
Language: English
Tuition: 5,600 €

  • Key benefits:
    • Identifying the mindset, skills, and behaviors required of effective leaders
    • Learning how to leverage your strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of your network
    • Acquiring the tools to strengthen your professional network
    • Broadening your active network of global business contacts
    Target audience:
    • Executives with at least five years of experience in leading teams who wish to be more effective in reaching
      organizational goals through people.
    Topics: Leadership

AI for Managers

Dates: 25. Nov 2024 - 28. Nov 2024
Duration: 4 Days
Location: Berlin
Language: English
Tuition: 4,800 €

  • Key benefits:
    • Explore the practical applications and use cases of AI across various industries 
    • Learn how to develop a successful AI strategy for your business 
    • Understand the core challenges of AI implementation, and how to avoid common pitfalls 
    • Develop your understanding of AI regulations, fairness and ethics. 
    • Network with business leaders and tech experts; share experiences and best practices in AI implementation 
    • Connect with the AI startup scene and learn from founders who are building relevant, innovative use-cases 
    Target audience:

    This course is designed for those executives who are mid-to-senior-level managers with eight or more years of experience in management and leadership, who want to gain a strategic understanding of AI and its applications in various domains.

    You will benefit from this course if you are:

    • An executive or senior leader who wants to explore the latest technology trends and learn how AI can reduce costs, improve outcomes and create competitive advantages for your business.
    • A mid- to senior-level functional manager who wants to leverage AI to enhance performance and efficiency within your area of responsibility and communicate effectively with technology experts about your goals and expectations.
    • A professional looking to upskill and advance in their career with the recent advancement in applications of AI in business
    • A founder or entrepreneur who wants to create or expand your business in the field of AI and machine learning. 
    Topics: Data analytics, Decision making, Strategy, Technologies (AI, Blockchain, VR)