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Research areas

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Research areas

The BTM Center aims to generate practice-relevant insights through solid research.

Example research projects

Analyzing and Improving the Market Success of Digital Offerings

Management challenge:

  • The company has developed software and digital services to complement traditional hardware but faces market introduction issues.
  • Digital offerings are vital for future success; problems need through analysis, and solutions must be determined.

Key questions covered by this project:

  • What are the main sales problems (skills, motivation, organizational framework)?
  • How can these problems be overcome (recruitment, education, leadership, incentives, organizational structure)?
  • Do regional differences (Germany, China, USA) need to be considered?

Corporate Governance in Times of Deglobalization

After decades of growth, global trade has slowed due to political, social, and technological changes, prompting companies to reassess organizational structures. Key questions include:

  • Which decisions require revising organizational structures?
  • What practical approaches exist for corporate reorganization?
  • What are the benefits and implications of a 2nd or 3rd headquarters on HR policy and leadership skills?
  • How can modern technology address the challenges of deglobalization in industrial companies?

The BTM Center also offers flexible, proprietary and confidential research and development, carried out by world-class, independent experts, who will be closely available for our partners throughout their contracts. We can help you to solve your problems and build on opportunities. Contact us to learn about how we can help you reach your goals.

Publications from the BTM center and its network

Academic articles (published)

What Does it Take to Successfully Implement a Hybrid Offering Strategy?

A Contingency Perspective.

Journal of Service Management Research 4(2-3): 100-120.

Dannenbaum, J., Edinger-Schons, L. M., Rese, M., Plötner, O., and Wieseke, J. (2020).

Mastering the Digital Transformation of Sales

California Management Review, 62 (4), 57-85.

Guenzi, P. and Habel, J. (2020).

Industrial Buying during the Coronavirus Pandemic

 A cross-cultural study.

Industrial Marketing Management, 88 (July), 195-205.

Habel, J., Jarotschkin, V., Schmitz, B., Eggert, A., and Plötner, O. (2020).

Understanding the Impact of Relationship Disruptions

Journal of Marketing, 84 (1), 66-87.

Schmitz, C., Friess, M., Alavi, S., and Habel, J. (2020).

Price Negotiating for Services

Elucidating the Ambivalent Effects on Customers’ Negotiation Aspirations.

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48 (2), 165-185.

Alavi, S., Habel, J., Schwenke, M., and Schmitz, C. (2020).

When Do Customers Perceive Customer Centricity?

The role of a firm’s and salespeople’s customer orientation.

Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 40 (1), 25-42.

Habel, J., Kassemeier, R., Alavi, S., Haaf, P., Schmitz, C., and Wieseke, J. (2020).

What Does Adaptive Selling Mean to Salespeople?

An exploratory analysis of practitioners’ responses to generic adaptive selling scales.

Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 39 (3), 254-263.

Alavi, S., Habel, J., and Linsenmayer, K. (2019).

Winner of the 2020 Marvin Jolson Award for the best contribution to selling and sales management practice, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management.

Sales Profession and Professionals in the Age of Digitization and Artificial Intelligence Technologies

Concepts, priorities, and questions.

Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 39 (1), 2-22.

Singh, J., Flaherty, K., Sohi, R., Deeter-Schmelz, D., Habel, J., Le Meunier-FitzHugh, K., Malshe, A., Mullins, R., and Onyemah, V. (2019).

Winner of a 2020 James M. Comer Honorable Mention Award for the best contribution to selling and sales management theory, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management.

When Do Family Firms Consider Issuing External Equity?

Understanding the contingent role of families’ need for control.

Journal of Family Business Management, 9 (3), 271-296.

Kupp, M., Schmitz, B., and Habel, J. (2019).

Exerting Pressure or Leveraging Power?

The Extended Chain of CSR Enforcement in B2B Supply Chains.

Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 36 (2), 331-347.

Müller, U., Habel, J., and Stierl, M. (2017).

The Development of Consulting in Goods-based Companies

Industrial Marketing Management 37 (3): 329–338.

Plötner, O. (2008).



Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 21 (3): 189–194.

Plötner, O. (2006).

From Relationships to Partnerships: New Forms of Cooperation between Buyer and Seller

Industrial Marketing Management 35 (1): 4–9.

Plötner, O., and Ehret, M. (2006).

NEGBI: Introducing New Systems in the Telecom Market

Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 19 (5): 344–350.

Plötner, Olaf (2004).


Solid growth. Strategies of industrial champions in global markets

Counter Strategies im globalen Wettbewerb

Berlin: Springer Gabler.

Plötner, O. (2012).

Counter Strategies in Global Markets

Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Plötner, O. (2011).

应用成本效益分析-理论、方法 和习题 [Counter Strategies in Global Markets]

Shanghai: Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press.

Plötner, O., Sieben, B. Kummer, T.-F., Wang, X., and Shi, W. (2011).

Kosten- und Erlösrechnung

2 ed. Berlin: Springer.

Plötner, O., Sieben, B., and Kummer, T.-F. (2010).

Bringing Technology to Market: Trends, Cases, Solutions

Weinheim: Wiley-VCH.

Plötner, O. and Spekman, R. (Eds.) (2007).

Das Vertrauen des Kunden: Relevanz, Aufbau und Steuerung auf industriellen Märkten

Wiesbaden: Gabler.

Plötner, O. (Ed.) (1995).

Book Chapters

Bringing Industrial Software to Market

Jarotschkin, V., J. Habel, A. Eggert, B. Schmitz, and O. Plötner (2023). Bringing industrial software to market: Managerial challenges and an agenda for future research. In Serving the customer, ed. T. Aichner, 175–211. Wiesbaden: Springer.

Managerial articles

The Current Rrontier in Industrial Manufacturing: Bringing Software Systems to Market

The European Business Review, January-February, 26-29.

Schmitz, B., Ploetner, O.Jarotschkin, V., and Habel, J. (2020).

Read the publication

Six Ways AI is Taking Over Sales

Core Insights.

Habel, J. (2019).

Read the publication

Hidden Champions: Champions of the Digital Transformation?

HCI Report.

Freimark, A. J., Habel, J., Hülsbömer, S., Schmitz, B., and Teichmann, M. (2018).

Download the publication

The Big Misunderstandings with Digital Talent

Global Network Perspectives, 08/07/2018.

Read the article

Digitale Transformation durch digitale Talente – das große Missverständnis

Stiftung Familienunternehmen

Habel, J. and Schmitz, B. (2018).

Download the article

We Can't Always Be "Smart"

ESMT Update, December, 9.

Habel, J. (2017).

From Products to Solutions: Mastering Sales Force Incentives

The European Business Review, September-October, 33-35.

Habel, J. and Ploetner, O. (2017).

Read the article

Fehler im System [Error in the system]

Harvard Business Manager 10: 82–86.

Hagen, J., and Plötner, O. (2014).

Read the article

Differentiating Market Offerings Using Complexity and Co-Creation

Implications for customer decision-making uncertainty.

European Business Review 25 (1): 65–85.

Plötner, O., Lakotta, J., and Jacob, F. (2013).

A Framework for Monitoring Relational Quality in B2B Technology Partnerships

Business Management Review 1 (1): 34–43.

Bidault, F., Lüth, M., and Plötner, O. (2011).

High-tech for Low-frills Markets

New challenges for German high tech companies.

Innovative Marketing 6 (2): 77–81.

Plötner, O. and Kupp, M. (2010).

Teaching case studies

The Future of Basler AG

ZachSoft: Improving Decision Making through Sales Analytics

WBS & ESMT Case Study: Case A, Case B.

Burger, C. and Habel, J. (2020).

Andreas Keller in China

ESMT’s Pitch to EAD Systems

ESMT Case Study.

Müller, U. and Habel, J. (2015).

Heraeus: Mid-size Company Striving for Global Market Leadership

ESMT Case Study.

Plötner, O. and Gögdün, B. (2016).

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd (ZPMC)

ESMT Case Study.

Plötner, O., Utzig, P., Wang, X., and Zhang, Q. (2014).

China's Largest Investment in Germany: The Strategic Partnership between Weichai and KION

ESMT Case Study. This case was withdrawn and is no longer available!

Plötner, O., and Pandit, S. (2014).

Siemens CerberusEco in China: Introducing Low-frills Products in a High-quality Company

ESMT Case Study.

Kupp, M., Plötner, O., Liesener, C. (2011).

Infoterra GmbH

Darden School of Business Case Study.

Spekman, R., Plötner, O., and Gögdün, B. (2011).

Voith Paper: Transforming Sales Costs into Consulting Revenue

ESMT Case Study.

Plötner, O. (2009).

Non-peer reviewed journal articles

Differentiating Market Offerings Using Complexity and Co-creation

Implications for customer decision-making uncertainty.

ESCP Europe Working Paper No. 53.

Plötner, O., Lakotta, J., and Jacob, F. (2010).

A Framework for Monitoring Relational Quality in B2B Technology Partnerships

ESMT Working Paper, ESMT No. 09–008.

Bidault, F., Lüth, M., and Plötner, O. (2009).


Competence Commercialization von Industrieunternehmen

Phänomen, Einordnung und Forschungsfragen.

ESCP Working Paper, ESCP–EAP Nr. 17.

Plötner, O., Jacob, F., and Zedler, C. (2006).


The Essence of Business Strategy

ESMT publication.

Plötner, O., Habel, J., and Schmitz, B. (2020).

Advanced Premium Products

ESMT publication.

Plötner, O., Habel, J., and Schmitz, B. (2020).

No-frills Products

ESMT publication.

Plötner, O., Habel, J., and Schmitz, B. (2020).

Complex service solutions

ESMT publication.

Plötner, O., Habel, J., and Schmitz, B. (2020).

The Bigger Picture

ESMT publication.

Plötner, O., Habel, J., and Schmitz, B. (2020).

Digitalisierung ist Schmerzpunkt der deutschen Wirtschaft

The Essence of Strategy

Cost traps in business models 4.0.
